Teensy 4.1 with Teensyduino 1.56 beta 2
Arduino IDE 1.8.16
I have the general area of my problem... but its a big section of stuff of many steps and data flinging.
Haven't quite tracked it down to the exact problem because it doesn't happen 100% of the time.
When I run the line2addr with the address reported I get back
Which I take is it has no idea where that address reported translates to the actual file.
And yes, I am in the correct place and checking the correct file. Already verified that.

Arduino IDE 1.8.16
I have the general area of my problem... but its a big section of stuff of many steps and data flinging.
Haven't quite tracked it down to the exact problem because it doesn't happen 100% of the time.
When I run the line2addr with the address reported I get back
Which I take is it has no idea where that address reported translates to the actual file.
And yes, I am in the correct place and checking the correct file. Already verified that.