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Hi Everyone
I'm wondering if we have any modular synth gurus who can help me improve the FM synthesis functionalities of the audio system.
I bit off a big project which is going to take a lot of chewing - so I'm breaking it down into chunks.
Chunk 1) 808 and 909 drum kits. - this is a low cpu solution for drums and takes up virtually no space - ideal for teensy-lc based drum machines for example.
I've been following some tutorials online and it looks as if we might have enough inputs and outputs from the stock FM object for an 808 style bass kick - but I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing which makes creating a software implementation complicated. I've been playing around with software based modular synths (synthedit) but I can't get a sound out of them half the time - it's beginners stupidity - i know.
Does anyone have any links to working 808 SynthEdit patches which emulate the 808 sound? Or can anyone offer any advice? I'm happy to crack on but little nudges like "put an adjustable distortion to emulate component xxx" would be golden.
I intend to contribute the result to the teensy verse - either by exposing the FM i/O in the Audio NodeRed interface and doing a tutorial, or by opensourcing the code (which I'm doing anyway).
Starter for 10 is attached - roland TR 808 service manual has full component and circuit maps in it.
If anyone is already working on this I'd love to jump in on github and get this working together - my sphere of knowledge is a touch small on this one.
I'm wondering if we have any modular synth gurus who can help me improve the FM synthesis functionalities of the audio system.
I bit off a big project which is going to take a lot of chewing - so I'm breaking it down into chunks.
Chunk 1) 808 and 909 drum kits. - this is a low cpu solution for drums and takes up virtually no space - ideal for teensy-lc based drum machines for example.
I've been following some tutorials online and it looks as if we might have enough inputs and outputs from the stock FM object for an 808 style bass kick - but I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing which makes creating a software implementation complicated. I've been playing around with software based modular synths (synthedit) but I can't get a sound out of them half the time - it's beginners stupidity - i know.
Does anyone have any links to working 808 SynthEdit patches which emulate the 808 sound? Or can anyone offer any advice? I'm happy to crack on but little nudges like "put an adjustable distortion to emulate component xxx" would be golden.
I intend to contribute the result to the teensy verse - either by exposing the FM i/O in the Audio NodeRed interface and doing a tutorial, or by opensourcing the code (which I'm doing anyway).
Starter for 10 is attached - roland TR 808 service manual has full component and circuit maps in it.
If anyone is already working on this I'd love to jump in on github and get this working together - my sphere of knowledge is a touch small on this one.