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Good morning.
I feel this is likely a silly logic issue I can't see my way out of but after several days of not solving it I think I am "blind" to the root problem and can't make this work.
I am working on a sketch to set the RTC on the Teensy. Right now I have fields for day, month, year, hour, minute, numbers and delete.
If you click/select the "Year" button, the field comes up and the touches are limited. But, if you select "Month" then the field comes up but the touches continue.
I am using Arduino 1.6.7 on Windows 10 using Teensy 1.2.7 beta 2 and the Teensy microcontroller is 3.2
I am going to feel silly I think but this is now driving me around the bend!
Here is the sketch code and the buttons are defined in the attached file:
I feel this is likely a silly logic issue I can't see my way out of but after several days of not solving it I think I am "blind" to the root problem and can't make this work.
I am working on a sketch to set the RTC on the Teensy. Right now I have fields for day, month, year, hour, minute, numbers and delete.
If you click/select the "Year" button, the field comes up and the touches are limited. But, if you select "Month" then the field comes up but the touches continue.
I am using Arduino 1.6.7 on Windows 10 using Teensy 1.2.7 beta 2 and the Teensy microcontroller is 3.2
I am going to feel silly I think but this is now driving me around the bend!
Here is the sketch code and the buttons are defined in the attached file:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ILI9341_t3.h>
#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <font_Arial.h> // from ILI9341_t3
#include "Calc_Buttons.h"
// This is calibration data for the raw touch data to the screen coordinates
#define TS_MINX 240
#define TS_MINY 325
#define TS_MAXX 3700
#define TS_MAXY 3670
#define CS_PIN 8
//XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(CS_PIN);
#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TIRQ_PIN 2
ILI9341_t3 tft = ILI9341_t3(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);
//XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(CS_PIN, TIRQ_PIN); // Param 2 - Touch IRQ Pin - interrupt enabled polling
XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(CS_PIN);
struct TS_MAP {
int16_t xt;
int16_t xb;
int16_t yl;
int16_t yr;
TS_MAP tsMap[4] = { { 0, 319, 0, 239 }, { 319, 0, 0, 239 }, { 319, 0, 239, 0 }, { 0, 319, 239, 0 } };
int16_t TS_Rotate = 1;
// variables to be used in this sketch
int All;
int SetTimeAndDate;
int NeedYear;
int NeedMonth;
int NeedDay;
int NeedHour;
int NeedMinute;
int InfoNeeded;
int noTouchLong = 0;
int DateTimeSet = 0;
//Strings we will need to use
String TheYear, TheMonth, TheDay, TheHour, TheMinute, TheSecond;
void setup(void)
// set the Time library to use Teensy 3.0's RTC to keep time
while ( !Serial && (millis() < 2000)) ;
if (!ts.begin()) {
Serial.println("Unable to start touchscreen.");
else {
Serial.println("Touchscreen started.");
int SetTimeAndDate = 0;
// delay(100);
TS_Rotate = 0;
tft.setRotation(1 + TS_Rotate);
// tft.setRotation(3);
// TimeButton();
// SetTimeButton();
noTouchLong = 0;
int DateTimeSet = 0;
boolean wastouched = true;
elapsedMillis waitTouch;
elapsedMillis noTouch;
TS_Point p;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (waitTouch > 100) {
if ( ts.touched()) {
p = ts.getPoint();
Serial.print("Pressure = "); Serial.print(p.z); Serial.print(", x = ");
Serial.print(p.x); Serial.print(", y = "); Serial.print(p.y); Serial.println();
if ( !TS_GetMap( p.x, p.y ) ) {
} //Get Year Button
if ((p.x > 3) && (p.x < (78))) {
if ((p.y > 6) && (p.y <= (40))) {
Serial.print("SetTimeAndDate is now "); Serial.println(SetTimeAndDate);
Serial.println("What Year is it button hit");
tft.drawRoundRect(85, 6, 70, 35, 10, ILI9341_WHITE);
InfoNeeded = 1; //Code for "InfoNeeded" is
// NeedYear is 1, NeedMonth is 2, NeedDay is 3, NeedHour is 4, NeedMinute is 5
Serial.print("InfoNeeded is now "); Serial.println(InfoNeeded);
noTouch = 0;
waitTouch = 0;
else {
// 3, 46, 88, 35, 10, Get Month Button
if ((p.x > 3) && (p.x < (85))) {
if ((p.y > 46) && (p.y <= (80))) {
Serial.print("SetTimeAndDate is now "); Serial.println(SetTimeAndDate);
Serial.println("What Month is it button hit");
tft.drawRoundRect(98, 46, 40, 35, 10, ILI9341_WHITE);
InfoNeeded = 2;
Serial.print("InfoNeeded is now "); Serial.println(InfoNeeded);
noTouch = 0;
waitTouch = 0;
#define TS_DEBOUNCE 2 // TX_Map() debounce factor
boolean TS_GetMap( int16_t &xx, int16_t &yy )
static int16_t xxo = 500, yyo = 500; // Store old/last returned x,y point
if (!ts.touched()) return false;
p = ts.getPoint();
xx = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, tsMap[TS_Rotate].xt, tsMap[TS_Rotate].xb);
yy = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, tsMap[TS_Rotate].yl, tsMap[TS_Rotate].yr);
if (TS_Rotate % 2) {
int16_t swap = xx;
xx = yy;
yy = swap;
// Debounce by +/-# pixel to minimize point jitter
if ( ((xxo - TS_DEBOUNCE) <= xx) && ((xxo + TS_DEBOUNCE) >= xx) ) xx = xxo; else xxo = xx;
if ( ((yyo - TS_DEBOUNCE) <= yy) && ((yyo + TS_DEBOUNCE) >= yy) ) yy = yyo; else yyo = yy;
return true;
void digitalClockDisplay() {
// digital clock display of the time
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
tft.fillRoundRect(3, 96, 314, 51, 10, ILI9341_RED);
tft.drawRoundRect(3, 96, 314, 51, 10, ILI9341_WHITE);
tft.setCursor(10, 101);
tft.print( "Time: "); tft.print(hour()); tft.print(":"); tft.print(minute());
tft.print(":"); tft.println(second());
tft.setCursor(10, 126);
tft.print( "Date: "); tft.print(day()); tft.print(" "); tft.print(month()); tft.print(" ");
time_t getTeensy3Time()
return Teensy3Clock.get();
void printDigits(int digits) {
// utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0
if (digits < 10)