hi all,
In the past few days I was tinkering around with the teensy in order to build a slider controller for mixing application.
Everything was working fine, but was a bit wonky (analog read not averaged etc.) so I went ahead and fixed that.
For some reason, the teensy now wont send MIDI messages (as far as I can tell), but it still reaches the function where it should do so. It get's noticed as a MIDI device in all programs I've tried though!
Here are the relevant constructors:
Here's the relevant Code:
Here's my main loop, the display part is not so important.
I really don't get why it's not sending midi messages anymore (it did send them in an older version!), because it's running the printDebug();
Here's the generated output of the printDebug() from the moment, the midi cc should change. Displayed are Fader-ADC read | Running Average of last 3 reads | average mapped between 0.127 | value before new read was done, Also how they change, when i move a fader
If you need more, let me know.
I'm actually frustrated it doesn't work slowly but surely.
In the past few days I was tinkering around with the teensy in order to build a slider controller for mixing application.
Everything was working fine, but was a bit wonky (analog read not averaged etc.) so I went ahead and fixed that.
For some reason, the teensy now wont send MIDI messages (as far as I can tell), but it still reaches the function where it should do so. It get's noticed as a MIDI device in all programs I've tried though!
Here are the relevant constructors:
elapsedMillis msec = 0;
int faderValues[6] = {0}; // Array to store the read out fader positions
int faderValuesOld[6] = {0}; // Array to store the old fader positions
int faderValuesAvg[6] = {0}; // Array to store and calculate the average fader position
int faderValuesMap[6] = {0}; // Array to store the average values, mapped between 0-127
// Everything MIDI - CCs 20-31 are unused)
const int channel = 1;
const int faderCCi[6] = {20,21,22,23,24,25};
const int fader1CC = 20; //don't Need These anymore since the Array is implemented. for compatibility only.
const int fader2CC = 21;
const int fader3CC = 22;
const int fader4CC = 23;
const int fader5CC = 24;
const int fader6CC = 25;
Here's the relevant Code:
//This function updates all fader values, maps them between 0-127 and stores them in the faderValues [Array]
void updateFaderValues(){
for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--){
faderValues[i] = analogRead(inputPins[i]); // read new Values from faders
faderValuesAvg[i] = (faderValuesAvg[i] + faderValues[i] + faderValuesOld[i]) / 3;
faderValuesMap[i] = map(faderValuesAvg[i],0,1023,0,127); // map(analogRead(inputPins[i]),0,1023,0,127);
void updateMIDI(){
// check if fader values changed
if (faderValues != faderValuesOld) {
for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--){
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(faderCCi[i], faderValuesMap[i], channel);
//not needed usually, doesn't help with the problem either: usbMIDI.send_now();
faderValuesOld[i] = faderValues[i];
msec = 0;
Here's my main loop, the display part is not so important.
void loop(void) {
if (msec >= 20) {updateFaderValues();} // Read all fader positions and store into arrays
if (msecDisplay >= 20) { // If this value is too small, Display will not update (depends on speed of calculation of all Parameters/arrays etc.)
msecDisplay = 0;
do { // Check if new page is requested.... This is not relevant for Midi
if ((debouncePagePlus.update() && debouncePagePlus.rose()) || (debouncePageMinus.update() && debouncePageMinus.rose())){
if (debouncePagePlus.read()) {pagePlusState = 1;}
if (debouncePageMinus.read()) {pageMinusState = 1;}
// ... then draw the contents
drawPageContent(currentPage); // Draw the currently selected set of parameters to the display
} while (u8g2.nextPage());
if(msec >= 20) {updateMIDI();} // calls the function above
while (usbMIDI.read()){
//ignore incoming messages
I really don't get why it's not sending midi messages anymore (it did send them in an older version!), because it's running the printDebug();
Here's the generated output of the printDebug() from the moment, the midi cc should change. Displayed are Fader-ADC read | Running Average of last 3 reads | average mapped between 0.127 | value before new read was done, Also how they change, when i move a fader
673 | 808 | 101 | 673
561 | 680 | 85 | 673
If you need more, let me know.
I'm actually frustrated it doesn't work slowly but surely.