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On my sonar project using a Mega2560, I used direct port manipulation to create a gated burst generator for a 40KHz transmitter. For several reasons, I switched to Teensy 3.2 boards and now use digitalRead/WriteFast() instead of port manipulation, at least temporarily. I became curious this morning as to the time difference between the digitalRead() and digitalReadFast() functions. The code below shows the sketch and results of several different forms of reading a pin into a variable. Other clock speeds were tested for those not using the standard 72MHz speed.
Since the digitalReadFast() function is considerably faster than the traditional digitalRead(), it can be used on all occasions without complicating the code with direct port reads.
Since the digitalReadFast() function is considerably faster than the traditional digitalRead(), it can be used on all occasions without complicating the code with direct port reads.
// TeensyReadFastTest,ino 4/19/2016 by Arctic_Eddie
/* Results ******************************************************************************
* digitalRead() at 72MHz uses 250441 usec for 1e6 reads or about 0.25 usec per read
* digitalReadFast() at 72MHz uses 111321 usec for 1e6 reads or about 0.11 usec per read
* digitalReadFast() at 96MHz uses 83455 usec for 1e6 reads or about 0.083 usec per read
* digitalReadFast() at 96MHz(optimized) uses 62622 usec for 1e6 reads or about 0.063 usec per read
#define READ_PIN 6
uint32_t startTime, stopTime;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 115200 );
pinMode( READ_PIN, INPUT );
void loop()
uint8_t readval;
startTime = micros();
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ )
readval = digitalReadFast( READ_PIN );
stopTime = micros();
Serial.println( stopTime - startTime );