I am experimenting a bit with Canon EF protocol and use Teensy 3.5 as it tolerates 5 V directly.
Idea is to connect SPI 0 to camera and SPI 1 to lens, and as first step just pass through the SPI messages both directions, later on monitor them, and control the lens etc. The electrical connections I basically have ready, now need to establish the SW side of it.
The problem is SPI.h does not support slave, in this case SPI 0. do I need to use the tonton81/SPI_MSTransfer_T4 or is there way to make the SPI.h to support both slave and master? if not is the tonton81/SPI_MSTransfer_T4 the right library to use.
Idea is to connect SPI 0 to camera and SPI 1 to lens, and as first step just pass through the SPI messages both directions, later on monitor them, and control the lens etc. The electrical connections I basically have ready, now need to establish the SW side of it.
The problem is SPI.h does not support slave, in this case SPI 0. do I need to use the tonton81/SPI_MSTransfer_T4 or is there way to make the SPI.h to support both slave and master? if not is the tonton81/SPI_MSTransfer_T4 the right library to use.
I am trying to use the tonton81/SPI_MSTransfer_T4 from same directory than the code, so that might be the problem, do not want to instal any libraries that are not natively supported.The code would be someting like this, bit having problems compiling it
#include <SPI.h>
#include "SPI_MSTransfer_T4.h"
#include "SPI_MSTransfer_MASTER.h"
// Define SPI1 master and SPI0 slave
SPI_MSTransfer_T4<&SPI, 0x1234> spi0slave;
SPI_MSTransfer_MASTER<&SPI, 10, 0x1234> spi1master;
void setup() {
// Initialize SPI1 as Master
spi1master.setCS(6); // Dummy CS pin, required by the library
// Initialize SPI0 as Slave
spi0slave.setCS(10); // Dummy CS pin, required by the library
Serial.println("Setup Complete");
void loop() {
// Forward data from SPI0 to SPI1
if (spi0slave.available()) {
uint8_t dataFromSPI0 = spi0slave.transfer(0x00); // Read data from SPI0
spi1master.transfer(dataFromSPI0); // Write data to SPI1
// Forward data from SPI1 to SPI0
uint8_t dataFromSPI1 = spi1master.transfer(0x00); // Read data from SPI1
spi0slave.transfer(dataFromSPI1); // Write data to SPI0