With regard to my robot arm project and stepper motors, I decided to drive the stepper motors with 50 volts instead of 24. When I did this, I also purchased a new buck converter to accept 50 volts DC and deliver 5 volts DC.
Well, this probably destroyed the Teensy.
The DC 5 volts into the Teensy line has startup noise that is shown in the image below. After about 1ms, things seem to be stable. When you see below, is the first of several repeating patterns of noise on the 5 Volt rail. There is a frequency of 92 Mhz inside the shaded yellow. That splotch on the screen is about 4us and has a 50 Volt peak to peak section.
To be clear, the graph below is on the 5volt input line to the teensy and is from a dc to dc buck converter. The Teensey is toast.
Will this likely have damaged the Teensey? What is the best solution to this without designing another board or reverting to a different DC to DC converter from a lower 24 volts? What can the Teensey tolerate with regard to this kind of noise...length, frequency, pk to pk voltage? Thanks
Well, this probably destroyed the Teensy.
The DC 5 volts into the Teensy line has startup noise that is shown in the image below. After about 1ms, things seem to be stable. When you see below, is the first of several repeating patterns of noise on the 5 Volt rail. There is a frequency of 92 Mhz inside the shaded yellow. That splotch on the screen is about 4us and has a 50 Volt peak to peak section.
To be clear, the graph below is on the 5volt input line to the teensy and is from a dc to dc buck converter. The Teensey is toast.
Will this likely have damaged the Teensey? What is the best solution to this without designing another board or reverting to a different DC to DC converter from a lower 24 volts? What can the Teensey tolerate with regard to this kind of noise...length, frequency, pk to pk voltage? Thanks