Teensy 4 with SerialFlash on SPI.1

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a project using Teensy 4.0 and two ILI9341 TFT displays whith library ILI9341_T4. The first one is connected to the SPI.0 port (CS:10, MOSI:11, MISO:12, SCK:13), and the second one is connected to SPI.1 (CS:0, MOSI:26, MISO:1, SCK:27). I also need to use a W25QXXFV chip with the SerialFlash library.

By default, the library uses SPI0. How can I use it on the SPI1 port?
Hi, sorry for the previous post.

The solution was to specify the SPI bus in the code line.

SerialFlash.begin(SPI2, FlashChipSelect);

Thank you.