The teensy_load_cli documentation page says this:
-mmcu=mk20dx256 : Teensy 3.1 (linux only)
-mmcu=mk20dx128 : Teensy 3.0 (linux only)
And looking at the source it does appear that these MCUs are not included when building on a Mac. Is this in fact the case? Is it indeed not possible to use teensy_loader_cli to load code onto a teensy3 on a Mac, or have I missed something?
Also, it appears that the various MCUs are just in a lookup table, and that the lines in the table that correspond to the teensy3 are just IFDEFd out for a Mac build. Why is this? What would happen if I built and ran teensy_loader_cli on a Mac with those entries in the table? Could I damage my USB ports, or would it just not work?
-mmcu=mk20dx256 : Teensy 3.1 (linux only)
-mmcu=mk20dx128 : Teensy 3.0 (linux only)
And looking at the source it does appear that these MCUs are not included when building on a Mac. Is this in fact the case? Is it indeed not possible to use teensy_loader_cli to load code onto a teensy3 on a Mac, or have I missed something?
Also, it appears that the various MCUs are just in a lookup table, and that the lines in the table that correspond to the teensy3 are just IFDEFd out for a Mac build. Why is this? What would happen if I built and ran teensy_loader_cli on a Mac with those entries in the table? Could I damage my USB ports, or would it just not work?