USb MIDI coding

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Hi i have a teensy 2.0 with ATMEGA32U4 i have been trying to convert the teensy arduino midi library so it can be used directly like Usb serial / keyboard examples in the "Code Library" selection on the teensy website.

The main reason for doing this without the arduino is so i can swap USB device profile on startup acording to some dip switches ie be able to choose usb midi , keyboard , serial port .

The problem im having is i can Initialize the USB midi but i can't seem to write anything out.

My code compiles fine in AVR studio with no errors and my computer sees a usb midi device but cant seem to get anything to write out.

Below is how im trying to test it

int main(void)

usb_init();   // this must be ok as computer sees "USB midi"


Bellow are the functions i thought are relevant missing out include files and definitions ect

I basically just took sendControlChange() and send_raw() out of the arduino usb_api.cpp

// initialize USB serial
void usb_init(void)
	uint8_t u;

	u = USBCON;
	if ((u & (1<<USBE)) && !(u & (1<<FRZCLK))) return;
        USB_FREEZE();				// enable USB
        PLL_CONFIG();				// config PLL
        while (!(PLLCSR & (1<<PLOCK))) ;	// wait for PLL lock
        USB_CONFIG();				// start USB clock
        UDCON = 0;				// enable attach resistor
	usb_configuration = 0;
	usb_suspended = 0;
	debug_flush_timer = 0;
	UDINT = 0;
        UDIEN = (1<<EORSTE)|(1<<SOFE);
	sei();  // init() in wiring.c does this

void sendControlChange(uint8_t control, uint8_t value, uint8_t channel)
	send_raw(0x0B, 0xB0 | ((channel - 1) & 0x0F), control & 0x7F, value & 0x7F);

void send_raw(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3)
	uint8_t intr_state, timeout;

	if (!usb_configuration) return;
	intr_state = SREG;
	timeout = UDFNUML + 2;
	while (1) {
		// are we ready to transmit?
		if (UEINTX & (1<<RWAL)) break;
		SREG = intr_state;
		if (UDFNUML == timeout) return;
		if (!usb_configuration) return;
		intr_state = SREG;
	UEDATX = b0;
	UEDATX = b1;
	UEDATX = b2;
	UEDATX = b3;
	if (!(UEINTX & (1<<RWAL))) UEINTX = 0x3A;
	SREG = intr_state;

	uint8_t intbits, t, i;
	static uint8_t div4=0;

        intbits = UDINT;
        UDINT = 0;
        if (intbits & (1<<EORSTI)) {
		UENUM = 0;
		UECONX = 1;
		usb_configuration = 0;
        if ((intbits & (1<<SOFI)) && usb_configuration) {
                t = debug_flush_timer;
                if (t) {
                        debug_flush_timer = --t;
                        if (!t) {
                                UENUM = DEBUG_TX_ENDPOINT;
                                while ((UEINTX & (1<<RWAL))) {
                                        UEDATX = 0;
                                UEINTX = 0x3A;
                UENUM = MIDI_TX_ENDPOINT;
		if (UEBCLX) UEINTX = 0x3A;
	if (intbits & (1<<SUSPI)) {
		// USB Suspend (inactivity for 3ms)
		usb_configuration = 0;
		usb_suspended = 1;
		#if (F_CPU >= 8000000L)
		// WAKEUPI does not work with USB clock freeze 
		// when CPU is running less than 8 MHz.
		// Is this a hardware bug?
		USB_FREEZE();			// shut off USB
		PLLCSR = 0;			// shut off PLL
		// to properly meet the USB spec, current must
		// reduce to less than 2.5 mA, which means using
		// powerdown mode, but that breaks the Arduino
		// user's paradigm....
	if (usb_suspended && (intbits & (1<<WAKEUPI))) {
		// USB Resume (pretty much any activity)
		#if (F_CPU >= 8000000L)
		while (!(PLLCSR & (1<<PLOCK))) ;
		UDIEN = (1<<EORSTE)|(1<<SOFE)|(1<<SUSPE);
		usb_suspended = 0;

// Misc functions to wait for ready and send/receive packets
static inline void usb_wait_in_ready(void)
	while (!(UEINTX & (1<<TXINI))) ;
static inline void usb_send_in(void)
	UEINTX = ~(1<<TXINI);
static inline void usb_wait_receive_out(void)
	while (!(UEINTX & (1<<RXOUTI))) ;
static inline void usb_ack_out(void)

// USB Endpoint Interrupt - endpoint 0 is handled here.  The
// other endpoints are manipulated by the user-callable
// functions, and the start-of-frame interrupt.
        uint8_t intbits;
	const uint8_t *list;
        const uint8_t *cfg;
	uint8_t i, n, len, en;
	uint8_t *p;
	uint8_t bmRequestType;
	uint8_t bRequest;
	uint16_t wValue;
	uint16_t wIndex;
	uint16_t wLength;
	uint16_t desc_val;
	const uint8_t *desc_addr;
	uint8_t	desc_length;

	UENUM = 0;
	intbits = UEINTX;
	if (intbits & (1<<RXSTPI)) {
		bmRequestType = UEDATX;
		bRequest = UEDATX;
		read_word_lsbfirst(wValue, UEDATX);
		read_word_lsbfirst(wIndex, UEDATX);
		read_word_lsbfirst(wLength, UEDATX);
		UEINTX = ~((1<<RXSTPI) | (1<<RXOUTI) | (1<<TXINI));
		if (bRequest == GET_DESCRIPTOR) {
			list = (const uint8_t *)descriptor_list;
			for (i=0; ; i++) {
				if (i >= NUM_DESC_LIST) {
					UECONX = (1<<STALLRQ)|(1<<EPEN);  //stall
				pgm_read_word_postinc(desc_val, list);
				if (desc_val != wValue) {
					list += sizeof(struct descriptor_list_struct)-2;
				pgm_read_word_postinc(desc_val, list);
				if (desc_val != wIndex) {
					list += sizeof(struct descriptor_list_struct)-4;
				pgm_read_word_postinc(desc_addr, list);
				desc_length = pgm_read_byte(list);
			len = (wLength < 256) ? wLength : 255;
			if (len > desc_length) len = desc_length;
			list = desc_addr;
			do {
				// wait for host ready for IN packet
				do {
					i = UEINTX;
				} while (!(i & ((1<<TXINI)|(1<<RXOUTI))));
				if (i & (1<<RXOUTI)) return;	// abort
				// send IN packet
				n = len < ENDPOINT0_SIZE ? len : ENDPOINT0_SIZE;
				for (i = n; i; i--) {
					pgm_read_byte_postinc(UEDATX, list);
				len -= n;
			} while (len || n == ENDPOINT0_SIZE);
		if (bRequest == SET_ADDRESS) {
			UDADDR = wValue | (1<<ADDEN);
		if (bRequest == SET_CONFIGURATION && bmRequestType == 0) {
			usb_configuration = wValue;
			debug_flush_timer = 0;
			cfg = endpoint_config_table;
			for (i=1; i<NUM_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
				UENUM = i;
				pgm_read_byte_postinc(en, cfg);
				UECONX = en;
				if (en) {
					pgm_read_byte_postinc(UECFG0X, cfg);
					pgm_read_byte_postinc(UECFG1X, cfg);
        		UERST = 0x1E;
        		UERST = 0;
		if (bRequest == GET_CONFIGURATION && bmRequestType == 0x80) {
			UEDATX = usb_configuration;
		if (bRequest == GET_STATUS) {
			i = 0;
			if (bmRequestType == 0x82) {
				UENUM = wIndex;
				if (UECONX & (1<<STALLRQ)) i = 1;
				UENUM = 0;
			UEDATX = i;
			UEDATX = 0;
		if ((bRequest == CLEAR_FEATURE || bRequest == SET_FEATURE)
		  && bmRequestType == 0x02 && wValue == 0) {
			i = wIndex & 0x7F;
			if (i >= 1 && i <= MAX_ENDPOINT) {
				UENUM = i;
				if (bRequest == SET_FEATURE) {
					UECONX = (1<<STALLRQ)|(1<<EPEN);
				} else {
					UECONX = (1<<STALLRQC)|(1<<RSTDT)|(1<<EPEN);
					UERST = (1 << i);
					UERST = 0;
                if (wIndex == DEBUG_INTERFACE) {
                        if (bRequest == HID_GET_REPORT && bmRequestType == 0xA1) {
                                len = wLength;
                                do {
                                        // wait for host ready for IN packet
                                        do {
                                                i = UEINTX;
                                        } while (!(i & ((1<<TXINI)|(1<<RXOUTI))));
                                        if (i & (1<<RXOUTI)) return;    // abort
                                        // send IN packet
                                        n = len < ENDPOINT0_SIZE ? len : ENDPOINT0_SIZE;
                                        for (i = n; i; i--) {
                                                UEDATX = 0;
                                        len -= n;
                                } while (len || n == ENDPOINT0_SIZE);
                        if (bRequest == HID_SET_REPORT && bmRequestType == 0x21) {
				if (wValue == 0x0300 && wLength == 0x0004) {
					uint8_t b1, b2, b3, b4;
					b1 = UEDATX;
					b2 = UEDATX;
					b3 = UEDATX;
					b4 = UEDATX;
					//if (b1 == 0xA9 && b2 == 0x45 && b3 == 0xC2 && b4 == 0x6B)
					//if (b1 == 0x8B && b2 == 0xC5 && b3 == 0x1D && b4 == 0x70)
	UECONX = (1<<STALLRQ) | (1<<EPEN);	// stall

Any help or advice would be great as not sure where im going wrong.

Cheers for looking

Last edited:
Ive tried on an windows XP machine and it does work sending data etc :D although comes up named as "usb device" not the name set in the usb descriptors .

But on my windows vista machine it comes up with the correct name but like mentioned before i can not see any written data. This could suggests they may be a problem in the device descriptors ?

Any one had problems with usb midi and vista ?

Ive posted a copy of the usb desctriptors below incase anyone notices anything.

static const uint8_t PROGMEM device_descriptor[] = {
	18,					// bLength
	1,					// bDescriptorType
	0x00, 0x02,				// bcdUSB
	0,					// bDeviceClass
	0,					// bDeviceSubClass
	0,					// bDeviceProtocol
	ENDPOINT0_SIZE,				// bMaxPacketSize0
	0x00, 0x01,				// bcdDevice
	0,					// iManufacturer
	1,					// iProduct
	0,					// iSerialNumber
	1					// bNumConfigurations

static const uint8_t PROGMEM debug_hid_report_desc[] = {
        0x06, 0xC9, 0xFF,                       // Usage Page 0xFFC9 (vendor defined)
        0x09, 0x04,                             // Usage 0x04
        0xA1, 0x5C,                             // Collection 0x5C
        0x75, 0x08,                             // report size = 8 bits (global)
        0x15, 0x00,                             // logical minimum = 0 (global)
        0x26, 0xFF, 0x00,                       // logical maximum = 255 (global)
        0x95, DEBUG_TX_SIZE,                    // report count (global)
        0x09, 0x75,                             // usage (local)
        0x81, 0x02,                             // Input
        0x95, DEBUG_RX_SIZE,                    // report count (global)
        0x09, 0x76,                             // usage (local)
        0x91, 0x02,                             // Output
        0x95, 0x04,                             // report count (global)
        0x09, 0x76,                             // usage (local)
        0xB1, 0x02,                             // Feature
        0xC0                                    // end collection

#define CONFIG1_DESC_SIZE		( 9 + 74 + 32 )
#define DEBUG_HID_DESC_OFFSET		( 9 + 74 + 9 )

//#define CONFIG1_DESC_SIZE		( 9 + 92 + 32 )
//#define DEBUG_HID_DESC_OFFSET		( 9 + 92 + 9 )

static const uint8_t PROGMEM config1_descriptor[CONFIG1_DESC_SIZE] = {
	// configuration descriptor, USB spec 9.6.3, page 264-266, Table 9-10
	9, 					// bLength;
	2,					// bDescriptorType;
	LSB(CONFIG1_DESC_SIZE),			// wTotalLength
	NUM_INTERFACE,				// bNumInterfaces
	1,					// bConfigurationValue
	0,					// iConfiguration
	0xC0,					// bmAttributes
	50,					// bMaxPower

	// This MIDI stuff is a copy of the example from the Audio Class
	// MIDI spec 1.0 (Nov 1, 1999), Appendix B, pages 37 to 43.

#if 0

	Section B.3 seems to say these extra descriptors are required,
	but when I add them, MIDI breaks on Linux (haven't tried Mac and
	Windows yet).  TODO: investigate these....
	reported by "John K." on May 7, 2012, subject "USB MIDI descriptors"

	// Standard AC Interface Descriptor
	9,					// bLength
	4,					// bDescriptorType = INTERFACE
	0,					// bInterfaceNumber
	0,					// bAlternateSetting
	0,					// bNumEndpoints
	1,					// bInterfaceClass = AUDIO
	1,					// bInterfaceSubclass = AUDIO_CONTROL
	0,					// bInterfaceProtocol
	0,					// iInterface

	// Class-specific AC Interface Descriptor
	9,					// bLength
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	1,					// bDescriptorSubtype = HEADER
	0x00, 0x01,				// bcdADC
	0x09, 0x00,				// wTotalLength
	1,					// bInCollection
	1,					// baInterfaceNr(1)

        // Standard MS Interface Descriptor,
        9,                                      // bLength
        4,                                      // bDescriptorType
        MIDI_INTERFACE,                         // bInterfaceNumber
        0,                                      // bAlternateSetting
        2,                                      // bNumEndpoints
        0x01,                                   // bInterfaceClass (0x01 = Audio)
        0x03,                                   // bInterfaceSubClass (0x03 = MIDI)
        0x00,                                   // bInterfaceProtocol (unused for MIDI)
        0,                                      // iInterface

	// MIDI MS Interface Header, USB MIDI, page 21, Table 6-2
	7,					// bLength
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	0x01,					// bDescriptorSubtype = MS_HEADER 
	0x00, 0x01,				// bcdMSC = revision 01.00
	0x41, 0x00,				// wTotalLength

	// MIDI IN Jack Descriptor, B.4.3, Table B-7 (embedded), page 40
	6,					// bLength
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	0x02,					// bDescriptorSubtype = MIDI_IN_JACK
	0x01,					// bJackType = EMBEDDED
	1,					// bJackID, ID = 1
	0,					// iJack

	// MIDI IN Jack Descriptor, B.4.3, Table B-8 (external), page 40
	6,					// bLength
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	0x02,					// bDescriptorSubtype = MIDI_IN_JACK
	0x02,					// bJackType = EXTERNAL
	2,					// bJackID, ID = 2
	0,					// iJack

	// MIDI OUT Jack Descriptor, B.4.4, Table B-9, page 41
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	0x03,					// bDescriptorSubtype = MIDI_OUT_JACK
	0x01,					// bJackType = EMBEDDED
	3,					// bJackID, ID = 3
	1,					// bNrInputPins = 1 pin
	2,					// BaSourceID(1) = 2
	1,					// BaSourcePin(1) = first pin
	0,					// iJack

	// MIDI OUT Jack Descriptor, B.4.4, Table B-10, page 41
	0x24,					// bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE
	0x03,					// bDescriptorSubtype = MIDI_OUT_JACK
	0x02,					// bJackType = EXTERNAL
	4,					// bJackID, ID = 4
	1,					// bNrInputPins = 1 pin
	1,					// BaSourceID(1) = 1
	1,					// BaSourcePin(1) = first pin
	0,					// iJack

        // Standard Bulk OUT Endpoint Descriptor, B.5.1, Table B-11, pae 42
        9,                                      // bLength
        5,                                      // bDescriptorType = ENDPOINT 
        MIDI_RX_ENDPOINT,                       // bEndpointAddress
        0x02,                                   // bmAttributes (0x02=bulk)
        MIDI_RX_SIZE, 0,                        // wMaxPacketSize
        0,                                      // bInterval
	0,					// bRefresh
	0,					// bSynchAddress

	// Class-specific MS Bulk OUT Endpoint Descriptor, B.5.2, Table B-12, page 42
	5,					// bLength
	0x25,					// bDescriptorSubtype = CS_ENDPOINT
	0x01,					// bJackType = MS_GENERAL
	1,					// bNumEmbMIDIJack = 1 jack
	1,					// BaAssocJackID(1) = jack ID #1

        // Standard Bulk IN Endpoint Descriptor, B.5.1, Table B-11, pae 42
        9,                                      // bLength
        5,                                      // bDescriptorType = ENDPOINT 
        MIDI_TX_ENDPOINT | 0x80,                // bEndpointAddress
        0x02,                                   // bmAttributes (0x02=bulk)
        MIDI_TX_SIZE, 0,                        // wMaxPacketSize
        0,                                      // bInterval
	0,					// bRefresh
	0,					// bSynchAddress

	// Class-specific MS Bulk IN Endpoint Descriptor, B.5.2, Table B-12, page 42
	5,					// bLength
	0x25,					// bDescriptorSubtype = CS_ENDPOINT
	0x01,					// bJackType = MS_GENERAL
	1,					// bNumEmbMIDIJack = 1 jack
	3,					// BaAssocJackID(1) = jack ID #3

        // interface descriptor, USB spec 9.6.5, page 267-269, Table 9-12
        9,                                      // bLength
        4,                                      // bDescriptorType
        DEBUG_INTERFACE,                        // bInterfaceNumber
        0,                                      // bAlternateSetting
        2,                                      // bNumEndpoints
        0x03,                                   // bInterfaceClass (0x03 = HID)
        0x00,                                   // bInterfaceSubClass
        0x00,                                   // bInterfaceProtocol
        0,                                      // iInterface
        // HID interface descriptor, HID 1.11 spec, section 6.2.1
        9,                                      // bLength
        0x21,                                   // bDescriptorType
        0x11, 0x01,                             // bcdHID
        0,                                      // bCountryCode
        1,                                      // bNumDescriptors
        0x22,                                   // bDescriptorType
        sizeof(debug_hid_report_desc),          // wDescriptorLength
        // endpoint descriptor, USB spec 9.6.6, page 269-271, Table 9-13
        7,                                      // bLength
        5,                                      // bDescriptorType
        DEBUG_TX_ENDPOINT | 0x80,               // bEndpointAddress
        0x03,                                   // bmAttributes (0x03=intr)
        DEBUG_TX_SIZE, 0,                       // wMaxPacketSize
        DEBUG_TX_INTERVAL,                      // bInterval
        // endpoint descriptor, USB spec 9.6.6, page 269-271, Table 9-13
        7,                                      // bLength
        5,                                      // bDescriptorType
        DEBUG_RX_ENDPOINT,                      // bEndpointAddress
        0x03,                                   // bmAttributes (0x03=intr)
        DEBUG_RX_SIZE, 0,                       // wMaxPacketSize
        DEBUG_RX_INTERVAL,                      // bInterval


// If you're desperate for a little extra code memory, these strings
// can be completely removed if iManufacturer, iProduct, iSerialNumber
// in the device desciptor are changed to zeros.
struct usb_string_descriptor_struct {
	uint8_t bLength;
	uint8_t bDescriptorType;
	int16_t wString[];
static const struct usb_string_descriptor_struct PROGMEM string0 = {
static const struct usb_string_descriptor_struct PROGMEM string1 = {

// This table defines which descriptor data is sent for each specific
// request from the host (in wValue and wIndex).
static const struct descriptor_list_struct {
	uint16_t	wValue;
	uint16_t	wIndex;
	const uint8_t	*addr;
	uint8_t		length;
} PROGMEM descriptor_list[] = {
	{0x0100, 0x0000, device_descriptor, sizeof(device_descriptor)},
	{0x0200, 0x0000, config1_descriptor, sizeof(config1_descriptor)},
        {0x2200, DEBUG_INTERFACE, debug_hid_report_desc, sizeof(debug_hid_report_desc)},
        {0x2100, DEBUG_INTERFACE, config1_descriptor+DEBUG_HID_DESC_OFFSET, 9},
	{0x0300, 0x0000, (const uint8_t *)&string0, 4},
	{0x0301, 0x0409, (const uint8_t *)&string1, sizeof(STR_PRODUCT)},

Thanks for looking

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