Wirelessly powering a Teensy or other micro controller


Well-known member

I have a project which I intend to clip to a shirt pocket. What I would like to do is keep the project itself as lightweight as possible and power it wirelessly from a 2s Lipo in the pocket. The main drivers behind this is reducing strain on the pocket and very simple battery replacement. My current thought being that the project would have an induction loop, and the power supply would be a 2s Lipo using another induction loop to send power to the project achieving wireless power transfer. I would then have two self contained power supply units, replacement would then simply be to remove one power supply from the pocket and drop a new one in. This would allow the other power supply to be recharged, leaving the project itself clipped to the pocket the whole time. I was thinking of something along the lines of that used to wirelessly charge cell phones.

Has anyone done anything similar to this or have any guidance on the subject?
