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    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      According to GoldWave it's a 24-bit file, and thus not compatible:
      • 1714563598843.png
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Your test code didn't work before, but I can see no reason why it wouldn't now. Your "part of " loop() clearly has problems. Let's assume Serial is actually connected, so while (!Serial); doesn't cause an issue. Let's assume you've sent the...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      This won't work, see e.g. https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/problemes-with-diy-teensy-4-1.74851/, post 2
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      The problem is almost certainly in //stuff, where we can't see it. In normal code I'd say you've allocated far too few audio blocks, and started the queues way too early, so they consume all the blocks before you even get to loop(). It may be...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Are the line out caps part of the circuit you’re measuring? If so, could they be contributing to the distortion?
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I've changed nothing since post #100, so https://github.com/h4yn0nnym0u5e/teensy-variable-playback/tree/feature/set-start-point is the most recent (October 2023). Best? Who knows? It seems to take months to get any feedback on changes, and even...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      OK, pulled all three files (source, recording-1, and recording-2) in Audacity. Reviewed each in detail, recording-1 was 1 one-hundredth of a second longer than the original wav file but the extra was "dead air" so apparently Audacity ignored that...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      That looks like the equal and opposite problem … ending a recording and tidying up takes a few milliseconds, so the other recording has (by the look of it) time to get a couple of buffers recorded before you stop it. I may not have tested it, but...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      There's at least a couple of things going on here. One is that the SDTEST1.WAV file has additional information in its header, making the header 138 bytes long, rather than the 44 bytes that's generated by the AudioRecordWAVstereo object. The...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Presumably, but I'm quite surprised! At any moment you can expect someone who knows about these things to pop up and blind us with the science of properly-implemented sample rate conversion. "Simply repeating until a new sample is supplied"...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      There's no avoiding your having to do some work in your code to match your incoming rate of "around" 4kHz to the audio system's "around" 44.1kHz (nothing will be exact...). You'll need to put 11 copies of each sample into the audio queue, except...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Depends what your aim is, but either AudioPlayQueue or AudioSynthWaveform using the arbitraryWaveform option may suit your needs. They’re documented in the Design Tool. Do come back if you can’t see how to do what you need, though we’ll probably...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      h4yn0nnym0u5e reacted to savt22's post in the thread "String" range issue with Like Like.
      Thanks - I changed it to 1349 to take it to C0 and it's more than good enough for my purposes! I really appreciate the help from you both.
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      That’s great, thanks @mjs513. I tried to figure it out, but the complexity of FLEXSPI and general lack of comments left me totally at sea… One suggestion … it would be a good plan to check for a nullptr return from chip_lookup() and return a...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Despite a valid part being fitted, when this function is called the chip ID is not read correctly, resulting in a NULL info pointer, which is not checked and is dereferenced, causing a Data Access Violation. The part fitted is a W25N01GVZEIG...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      h4yn0nnym0u5e replied to the thread "String" range issue.
      No, it's simple enough just to change the 536 to 1349 to allow going down to C0 - though as noted by @MarkT it's much better practice to use a const int with a name (and a proper comment) and then change every occurrence of 536 to that. It uses...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      h4yn0nnym0u5e replied to the thread "String" range issue.
      I started playing with that module, there’s all sorts of changes it needs… Apart from variable-length buffer to allow lower notes (I put that in audio blocks, though it’s not backward-compatible), the feedback filter should be configurable and...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Yes, Windows is a pain like that. I've had good results changing the value of usb_string_serial_number, which seems to keep Windows a bit happier even if the VID/PID hasn't changed. If you look at the USBmultiChannelTest.ino example you just...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I think the issue may be that the product ID has been changed to one not matching the Teensy udev rules. Could be wrong, I'm not much of a Linuxist...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Something like this? float getval(int channel) { return 0.5f;} class Knob { enum {below,above,track} state; int channel; float physicalValue; float returnedValue; public: Knob(int ch) : state(track) { channel = ch; }...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Quite hard when we don't know which version of the code you're starting from! If your audio-guestbook.ino file looks like the ones above, the key point being only one line having: AudioPlaySdWavX playWav1; // Play 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Well ... 517 lines to do a file copy did seem a tad extreme ... compared to my 34 :giggle: but not relevant to the discussion at hand ... and mine's only for a quick demo. Yes, it's maybe not worth pursuing my library for your use, there's only...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I'll have to check that out! Thanks, Ed
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I've just spotted a nasty in both of your main.cpp files, may or may not be relevant. At the end of the copy to Flash you flush the files, and then close the RAM data file. Yup, the RAM file, not the Flash one... That's actually in two places...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Thanks for those. I've plugged them into the above sketch, using file paths like yours, and they play without issue from SD or LittleFS_RAM. I also tried heap instead of PSRAM, which worked as expected. So that's good, one possibility knocked...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I've had a look, and can't immediately see what the problem is. I'm always a bit nervous when there's lots of duplicate code and strings, and more so when the duplicates aren't quite so - like your SD directory being CLKSNDS but LittleFS uses...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I'll take a look. In the mean time, here's a sketch I adapted to use SD+LittleFS rather than two SD cards. I haven't got a QSPI flash so it uses a LittleFS RAM disc and copies an audio file to it from the SD card during setup(). Assuming the...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I can understand and sympathise with your opinion, but it remains the fact that a lot of users use nothing but the Arduino IDE, and on this forum it is the canonical way of supplying a concise example of code that reproduces an issue. Often the...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I've done a PR to your repo, having done a bit more testing - this essentially adds in stuff I'd already done previously. Minor change to your code to make it compile with 8 channels @ 96kHz. Haven't time for more right now, but will be back!
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      That sounds like good news, will give it a go as soon as I can. With regard to the PR, I was thinking only as far as forking your repo, adding in some of my modifications to allow placement of wider USB objects in the Design Tool, and submitting...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      ...of course, that code fragment absolutely can't work. No audio memory, no way of getting output ... the list is endless! But everything else is in other examples. I think... EDIT: the closest to what you want is in the Audio library examples...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Hi Ed I confess I've never tried any variant of LittleFS for anything! However ... the play() method is declared as bool play(const char* filename, FS& fs = SD, bool paused = false, float startFrom = 0.0f) Thus as standard it uses SD as its...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I only tested input very briefly … even more so than the output! Seemed OK but I need to do a thorough test, recording known-perfect waveforms and then looking at them with a spectral display to highlight any discontinuities. Didn’t touch 96kHz...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I've had a very brief play and it seems to be the best I've heard yet - nice job! I can see the extra samples being inserted (Teensy->PC) but can't hear them. Curious to know how the PC reacts if you just send the occasional packet with one...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Use a nutsert instead of the “closest overhead part” steel nut?
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    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Yes, that’s right, you can use both TDM channels at once. Can’t claim to have checked the pin numbers you gave though :) Doesn’t matter whether they’re CS42448 or PCM3168. There’s also this thread and linked pull request which suggests that it...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I tested the usb input now also with 48kHz and I fixed a small bug (unrelated to the sampling frequency), that caused sometimes a nearly empty buffer at the beginning of a stream. As far as I can tell, the usb input also works for 48kHz.
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      No, it was because the NE5532 can only get to within about 2V of its supply rails, and that was the single simplest change I could make! Just a -5V supply to ANA_VMM might do it. I used the NE5532 because it was on the data sheet examples and...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I didn't test different sampling frequencies yet, but I want to try out 48kHz in the next days. I tested different bIntervals by just changing the value AUDIO_POLLING_INTERVAL_480 in usb_desk.h for testing purposes (Manually setting the value is...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      It’s slightly easier than that. The output stage is only connected if you fit 4 jumpers to CN3, jumping 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. So just design your analogue out as you see fit, and connect to the odd-numbered pins on CN3 (VOUTn+/-). VCOMAD_B on...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      This looks great, I definitely plan to give it a go when I have time to do it properly. I’m understanding from what you say that we should be able to get 8 channels at 96kHz working properly? That needs 1536 bytes/ms, so a bInterval of 0.5ms or 4...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      I just placed a 1000uF decoupling cap at the 5V Teensy VIN and voilà, the tikitik is gone :) Long time with this problem, asking is needed sometimes to get clues and organize thoughts.
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Yes, it should, so it’s likely not the writes. You only said “changes” the speed, so I had to guess bigger was slower, as that’s what we saw previously.
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Please do bear in mind I'm primarily a software guy who knows just enough about hardware to be dangerous! My contributions on the audio guestbook thread relating to this issue are around here. Various pieces of evidence seemed to stack up...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      More AudioMemory? 2 blocks is highly unlikely to be enough…
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      Just trying the multi-pin TDM, and it looks as if output_tdm.cpp only has some of the required modifications; the register bit-twiddling code is all in there, but the N-pin setup in begin() isn't, and neither are the changes in isr() or the...
      • IMG_1091-sm.JPG
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      That’s using my buffered play/record library, continueRecording() doesn’t need to do anything because the record object does the SD writes in an event response. I recall from the audio guestbook thread that power / ground bounce could get into...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      You may need to define "easily". And indeed "to a Teensy 4.1", since you mention adding PSRAM to the audio adaptor... And maybe what your goal is would give us a clue, though to be fair that doesn't necessarily make much difference. For example...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      You should be able to use an SD card just fine, I don’t think it clashes with either TDM or TDM2. If you use the Teensy 4.1 built in slot then that’s definitely OK, I’ve tried it. Note the EasyEDA Teensy footprint uses conventional pin...
    • h4yn0nnym0u5e
      THANK YOU SO MUCH! I must have been testing the phone while still plugged into the computer, leaving it in Ready, then unplugging. I called it the reset button because it was then stuck waiting in while (!Serial) {} once I plugged it in and so...
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