Sorry for the late reply, @DJETH - You might not have the latest updated versions of the libraries. I would update them. I updated the config file and fixed a few bugs in them. Here is the updated config file:
/* RA8876_Config.h
A file to place...
@All - Have updated all examples to use the config file for default or changed defines. Looks like this now:
/* RA8876_Config_8080.h
A file to place user defines and configs.
#ifndef RA8876_CONFIG_H
#define RA8876_CONFIG_H
// Select 8 or 16...
You might take a look at <this> post discussing how I previously (successfully) used the 75HC595 to drive a large number of LEDs as indicators on an earlier version of my TeensyMIDIPolySynth. Using this shift register only consumes a couple of...
That is the same version I downloaded from Waveshare...
18 bit color == PIA ;)
I Found I did not make allowances in the DB5 shield I made for > 16 data lines, and used the next ones D16 and D17 for the CS pin and RD pin...
So I hacked it up...
Quick behind-the-screens update... the plugin generated its first automatic report. Indeed it's spammers (probably from Bangladesh) blatantly creating many accounts. The plugin seems to really improve the forum's logging and display of the IP...
If it were me I
If it were me I would not read serial1 byte by byte but wait until the buffer contains the same (or more) data as the size of the struct.
Then read the data into the struct.
Set a boolean to true to say new data...
Sorry @Paul I should have RTFM, or in this case the Instructions. It clearly says "tm.Year Year 0 to 99 (offset from 1970)".
Funny how many times you see what you want/expect to see rather than the true answer!
@Rezo Yeah a quick...
Not in my code that demonstrated the problem, sorry for NOT including complete code.
#include <TimeLib.h>
void setup() {
tmElements_t t;
time_t ut;
uint8_t h, m, s, d, mo;
int y;
h = 12;
m = 45;
s = 0;
d = 4...
Below is some simple code using the time library.
Unfortunately the breakTime function returns 54 as the year rather than 24.
void setup() {
tmElements_t t;
time_t ut;
uint8_t h, m, s, d, mo, y;
h = 12;
m = 45;
s = 0...
When supplying software the idea is that you supply the COMPLETE software so that someone can compile the code, confirm your errors (or not) and thereby help you fix them.
This is an ESP32C3 program that I use to receive ESPNo2 data from a partner ESP and send to a T4.1 over UART.
Perhaps it might help you.
ESP32C3: Receive data via ESP Now from other ESP32C3s and Send to T4.1 via UART.
I see that the Quectel device provides 1.8V pins to be used for pull ups for OpenCollector devices.
You need either a level shifter to 1.8V or a buffer with an O/C output.
The NativeEthernet ethernet library does not seem to be supported by it's author any more.
QNEthernet has become the defacto library to use.
It is well maintained by it's author who is a frequent visitor to this forum.
There are many differences between the T3.x and the T4.x but nearly all of them are handled by the Teensy drivers.
The T4.x are NOT 5V compatible like the T3.x is the main thing to be aware of.
Putting greater than 3.3V on a T4.x pin WILL kill...
Sorry for the delay in responding. Rather out of it. Wife and I are both pretty sick with some bug. So checking forum only periodically now.
I agree with @KurtE. When the default remains at 88Mhz there needs to be some way the user to change...
Yes that had gone through my mind, but I now think the problem may be electrical. I am driving a Ebyte module off the LC 5v lines. The final system will be externally powered but for test purposes I was just using the usb power through the LC...
Believe it or not that had flitted through my mind an hour or so ago, but I thought it is going now, so left it as it is with extern.
I may well change it so that to my mind it is not so cluttered (...with extern, etc).
I am fighting another...
I was also a Modula2 user. The good old days!. The H file is analogous to the DEF file, but with caveats. Modula2 was "object-oriented", so the thing you were defining in the DEF file was like a C++ class. Your transmitPacket and receivePacket...
Thanks @PaulStoffregen and @joepasquariello I gave that a try and it knew it would!!
My favourite programming language (of the past) was Modula2.
It allowed modules (libraries) and each module consisted of a .DEF file, for defining...
Thanks, I will try that tomorrow. I did try putting the definitions and variables in their own .h file but that gave the same problem. It seems nuts that you can't just make them global definitions and variables.
I hope someone can help me.
EDIT: The code is independent of Teensy model and is demonstrated with Arduino 1.8.19.
I have attached software below which demonstrates the problem. When I compile the software I get the following two errors...
No, it's Voltage which causes the current to flow. You cannot force more current through a device without increasing the voltage.
Using the water analogy, think of voltage as water pressure and current as rate of water flow.
The water will not...
You could have a master Teensy with one pin set as output (synchronise command) to input pins on each of the other Teensy's.
When the slave teensy's detect the pin change they set an elapsedMillis variable (say t) to zero.
Then when t %...
Congratulations, there have been so many people wishing to get the Audio Guest Book project going and have had seemingly enormous amount of problems getting it to work. You have done it with very little problems. Well done.
I would just try to see if the I2C is working on each ESP32 alone.
Connect up an I2C device and see if you can talk to it.
This will show whether the I2C is working on one and/or both of the ESP32s.
The run the I2C scanner, it can be found at this address on your pc:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\i2c_t3\examples\advanced_scanner
.... and you write that out over seriaL so you can see it on the Monitor.
But you are using the WRONG serial port to do that.
You MUST use Serial. not Serial1.
Looking at your code I see that you are using Serial1 a lot. Do you realise that this is a UART port NOT USB serial connected to your computer.
The USB Serial port connecting to your computer is addressed as Serial.
Serial1 .. Serialxx are actual...