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      Prior forum discussion including example code here.
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      drjohn reacted to h4yn0nnym0u5e's post in the thread Bug in AudioOutputTDM2 with Like Like.
      Just found this one, after a lot of head-scratching. I've done PR#472 for it. The copy from the 16 incoming audio blocks to the output buffer was copying twice as much as it should have, so the second half (presumably garbage) was overwriting...
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      I've used analogue multiplexor chips (4051 8 input / 4067 16 input) to read multiple touch pads from one pin. It costs you the addressing pins and an enable pin but you can share those pins among a few multiplexor chips and read many capacitative...
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      drjohn reacted to duff's post in the thread Porting Teensy 3 library to Teensy 4 with Like Like.
      So I just want let you know I haven't abandoned this project it's that I found out two weeks after getting my new Teensy's that I am moving again and have all my equipment in storage now. I hope this is the last time I have to move but I just...
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      I wouldn't say "only". Two other (I think) independent libraries with pitched sample playback on Teensy come to my long-term lurker mind: Bleeplabs Frank Boesing's library ...and I suspect there are others kicking around the forum that could be...
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