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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      JayShoe, I must have missed something when reading the 3105 datasheet. How are the different I2C addresses selected? My choice of the 3104 was for the differential inputs, as I do a lot of pro audio work where that's essential. On the 3104 I've...
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      palmerr replied to the thread TLV320AIC3105 Codec in TDM mode.
      Thanks, I wrote almost the same code today, however it didn't fix my problem (in the other 8x8 Audio update thread) as I had already inverted BCLK in hardware. It did prove, however, that the hardware inverted clock was equivalent to the...
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Yes, your calculation of the pole frequency is correct. CODECs oversample at 128 or 256 times Fs and single pole filters start to roll off at 1/10 of the corner frequency, so an antialiasing filter is usually set at around 10x the maximum...
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      palmerr replied to the thread TLV320AIC3105 Codec in TDM mode.
      Paul, I'm also working on this with a 4 x TLV320AIC3104 (almost identical to the AIC3015) see Updated 8x8 audio Should I also be modifying the RCR2 BCP bit for inputs? I notice in the input_tdm.cpp code you don't set anything in RCR2
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      The RevA board is working nicely, however there is an input spike at ~21kHz, the magnitude of which is directly proportional to the signal level (at least for inputs from 0.9 FSD to 0.05 FSD). There is no frequency spike on a sine wave output...
      • test.jpg
      • pcb.jpg
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Progress: I have populated a Rev A board and have I2C multiplexing working across the four CODECS and am now working on getting the TDM slots properly aligned and enabled for the ADCs and DACs. The programming model for the chip is quite...
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      The mux needs to be done per board, so the 1:4 mux is a better fit. (TCA/PCA 9543/4). It is bigger than the tiny TSSOP-10 analog mux I'm using currently and the wiring is more complex (individual SDA/SCL and resistors for each chip) than the mux...
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Thanks for the thought about the I2C mux. I simply didn't think of it! I'll see if there's a 4way version available, as it will save some Teensy pins and be a more elegant solution, overall. I've left enough overhang space on the PCB for a T4.1...
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      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      h4yn0nnym0u5e, This particular TLV chip has no I2C address lines, so I decode the I2C SCK line on each board with a 2:4 analogue mux. The enable pin on the mux is driven by a Teensy pin - with a jumper to differentiate between the Boards. That...
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      Folks, With the CS42448 going end of life, I'm updating my 8x8 audio hardware (Audio Toy) and drivers to use multiple TLV320AIC3104 chips (4 per board). These CODECs pay proper attention to TDM transmission, having settings to enter 256...
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