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    • P
      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Sadly, I'm still in the middle of some commercial work. I hope to get back to this project by the end of the month.
    • P
      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      No, as design and spec tends to change during the prototype stage, I don't publish until I have something worth releasing. The PCBs won't really be suitable for DIY construction due to the QFN CODECs. I'm exploring PCBA with JLCPCB and may...
    • P
      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Still working on it. Unfortunately commercial work needs to come first! I will post when I make any significant progress.
    • P
      palmerr replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      I ran out and re-ordered the wrong CODECs. Waiting on the replacements to arrive. Hopefully this will be the final prototype and then I can start thinking about how to get them into people's hands. PCBA seems to be the best way as there's a...
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