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      UPDATE: Got my NT35510 in a few days ago - wired it up and got 16 bit polling working in minuets| Played around with DMA settings (my LSB's and MSBs were swapped) and could not get it to play ball, so I copied the DMA config from the RA library...
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      Would like to see 16 bit DMA working - going to require a lot of messing around with the dma channel config and implementation (we had to fill the shifter buffers in backwards due to the some odd reason in the 8 bit bus width) But will be...
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      Quick update, As I mentioned yesterday, have been playing with the HX8357D display I purchased several years ago from Adafruit. I updated the wiring to use 8 bit. I had/have it partially working using this library, but have now split it off to...
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      this is the correct branch: https://github.com/mjs513/ILI948x_t4x_p/tree/ILI948x_t4x_p plus you will need the GFX lib: https://github.com/mjs513/Teensy_Parallel_GFX and will need @KurtEs updated Flexio lib
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      I got my 3.97" NT35510 display in, 8/16 bit parallel, 800*480 resolution at 16bpp. Which branch of @mjs513 fork should I use? gfx_flexio ? Do I need @KurtE new FlexIO library? And does DMA work on 16 bit bus? or is only 8 bit supported?
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      Rezo reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
      Ok since I did the soldering on @KurtE's adapter to old shield I managed to get it working to a point. There does seem to be issues with DMA so maybe time resynch and try it again: (RVGA) note SVGA works with JPEG. NOTE: we are not using...
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      Rezo reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Bring back the Teensy 3.2 ! with Like Like.
      Teensy 3.2 is not coming back.
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      Adding “lib_deps” entries (to platformio.ini) that point to GitHub URL’s should be fine. Example: lib_deps = https://github.com/name/project.git https://github.com/name2/project2.git
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      @KurtE would like to give this branch a try In PlatformIO I would just need to point to your repo, correct? No need to change anything else?
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      The root of the word quadrature is "quad" or "four". The idea is you have two square waves (A and B) with 90-deg phase offset, and by counting the rising and falling edge of both A and B you get 4x the resolution, and by keeping track of the...
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      Rezo reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensy 4.x H/W Quadrature Encoder Library with Like Like.
      Interesting is the fact that if you divide 13100 counts/4 you get 3275 counts which is pretty close to your 3600 pulses per revolution which is kind of odd. You could try using the standard encoder library as a comparison. Its part of...
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      How are the pulses/steps counted? I was told from someone who reveres engineered the CDJ1000 that a full rotation of the jog wheel should be 3600 pulses, yet using the example code in the library I am getting roughly 13100 pulses/counts What is...
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
      I now have my one Parallel RA8876 moved back to the T4.1 I am using Mikes Adapter, with then my Adpater for ILI94xxx plugged into it, with a long RPI stacking header. With this added adapter I can now patch in signals to D8-D15 of the display to...
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      Seems the bottom version marker was the same TFTM070-6 V1.1 in one image I saw go by. I didn't get any DOCS for it - not sure I can find the page again - oh - PDF comes up with the -6 added...
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      Rezo reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      Been slowly testing the cameras - so far only 3 tested since we have both CSI and FLEX. Will add to this list as I go through them Camera Flex CSI OV5640 Works Works OV7675 Works Only 'n' option works reliably, Video Pixelates fast like...
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      Quick update on my DB5 that stopped working - with double blink..... Not sure if the RA8876 had anything to do with it. Yes problem with my connector, where the two columns are reversed, so makes sense the display did not work... Maybe fixed...
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      Rezo reacted to wwatson's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
      @KurtE @mjs513 - I have added DMA to the library and it is working on the MIcroMod. I changed some of the conflicting names that were used for both async and DMA by just adding DMA to the function or variable name like: FASTRUN void...
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      Rezo reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      Ok in terms of the yellow tint managed to get rid of it by increasing the SDRAM clock from 206 mhz (default in the variant.c) to 221Mhz.
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      Quick update - Looks like the CSI pins on the adapter/DB5 are working: Here again shows the strange tint using the SDRAM... Was able to choose the CSI by the method: #if defined(DB5_USE_CSI) // try using the CSI pins on devboard 5...
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      Rezo reacted to defragster's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      The new versions 4.5 and 5.0 of the DevBoards just arriving to larger test group. Some Crashes appeared not seen the same on the V4.0, except perhaps rarely. It seems to be related to the use of the Industrial 528 MHz MCU. Also used at 600 MHz...
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      Rezo reacted to wwatson's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Wow Wow.
      @KurtE @mjs513 - Sorry for being gone for so long. This cold knocked me on my butt. Still really weak. @KurtE I did do the PR but it failed. Commenting out the FlexIo resets caused the MicroMod not to boot and hang. Had to do a power off/on to...
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      Ive got a 4” nt35510 display on the way that supports 8/16 parallel interface Will try get it up and running with the latest version of the library once here
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
      Morning all (at least in my time zone) Though I would play a little and again get my MTP TFT Picture viewer to build and run on both of my RA8876 boards. One SPI the other Flexio... So far Setting up for now have the SPI version running...
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      Finally had a spare hour to mess around with this, achieved the following 1. Continuously load wav data into a 3 dimension PCM buffer from the SD card - buffer is in PSRAM 2. Interrupt based PCM data transfers to the Audio board - no DMA used 3...
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      Rezo reacted to wwatson's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
      Thanks, I think I have covered everything. Hopefully :)
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      What speed is the FlexIO clock set at? If it’s running at 480Mhz and core at anything lower than 600Mhz you might get erratic behavior with the timer triggers. I discovered this when developing the parallel library initially, clock speed needs to...
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      Rezo reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensy 4.x H/W Quadrature Encoder Library with Like Like.
      Havent tested alot of encoders - really only used this one for testing: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EWK93MY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 Dont remember using pullups - level shifter since it was 5v device. But you can...
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      @mjs513 is there a way to detect speed in the form of RPM? I am using an optical encoder on a Pioneer CDJ1000 jog wheel using the following circuit: (do I need pullup resistors on JOG1 & JOG2 lines?) (Powering with 3.3v) I know the encoder has...
      • cdj_encoder_circuit.jpg
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      That is the idea. For example, I am not going to take over my MICROMOD board type for DEVBOARD as I use MICROMODs... Note: I am playing with a sort of related diversion: Here is a sketch I have that blinks the LED on my T4.1 #include...
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      Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Wow Wow.
      Sorry, I have been goofing off today. Been playing more with the possibility of having Variants, work with Teensy 4.x. Or at least a good subset of stuff. Earlier I had support for allowing you to declare your own pin tables. I have the...
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      Seeing that this is all about 8080 with FlexIO mode, my library: https://github.com/leutholl/TFT0784_mm might be helpful
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      I was going to bitshift into the shifter buffer on the T4.0, that way at least have polling support. interrupt would work as well, but you are limited to around half the capacity of the shifter buffers as you need 16 bits length per 8 bit...
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      @mjs513 I’m not sure I ever got the 4.0 version working, although if the 4.1 version works and supports an 8 bit bus, it should work on the 4.0 as well.
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      Rezo replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 Tetris.
      @Northstrix Cool project!! Nice to see things coming out of Eretz ;)
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      Rezo reacted to Northstrix's post in the thread Teensy 4.1 Tetris with Like Like.
      The game of Tetris for Teensy 4.1 Based on the work of Brian Lough Adapted for Teensy 4.1 by Maxim Bortnikov SourceForge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/teensy-4-1-tetris/ Additionally, it comes with 5 start screens.
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      Great you got playing from a buffer. Indeed, it uses some cool timing to make sound from coded values adjusting DAC type output values. Read that timing was an issue and this uses interrupts to feed it not DMA - other than that not seen anything...
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      @defragster thanks for the links. Unfortunately as they don't use the SAI/I2S interface, they are of no help. I made some changes - now I can get it to play until the buffer is full #include "SdFat.h" #include "Audio.h" #include "Wire.h"...
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      So I uncommented CORE_PIN23_CONFIG = 3; // MCLK and now I get some sound, sound like the first 1-2 seconds of the test file playing back at a higher pitch. It will play for 8-10 seconds like this then stop
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      @KurtE check out my T4.1 library (first post in this thread) It should have interrupts implemented for the T4.1 if my memory serves right
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      @KurtE has been working on async updates to screen buffering on the Teensy MM and T41. So far MM seems to be working. As a tested decided to try my Teensy_OpenGl lib examples (3d models) out to test screen updates using sync and async using...
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      So im trying to play SDTEST1.wav from the example files using the interrupt method based on @Jean-Marc vga_t4 non DMA audio implementation, but I am not having any luck. can someone have a go at this and point me to what I am doing wrong...
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      @mjs513 @KurtE have you tried hooking up two displays to one FlexIO port on different CS pins? I would be VERY interested to see how that works and what performance can be achieved.
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      @Remi_Music Thank you for your response, but I am not looking into building a Midi controller I want to play the audio from the Teensy and manipulate it. I have source code for this on the STM32F746, and I know it has been done on an STM32F103...
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      I'm defiantly going to be trying this out once Devboard v5 arrives! So what kind of delta do we see between SPI and Parallel? How much faster is it in reality based on testing and benchmarking?
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      Just as a side note for testing purposes ported over my old Buddabrot example:
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      Another quick update: @mjs513 and myself have been doing some testing with this and as the library now builds for both Micromod and Teensy 4.1 We (he) renamed the library up on github. The current Project and branch is up at...
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      Rezo reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread New USB Host library for Teensy 4.x with Like Like.
      I've written a new USB Host support library for Teensy 4.x boards: https://github.com/A-Dunstan/teensy4_usbhost Key features: - dynamic driver instantiation, e.g. can support any number of hubs or other devices since driver objects can be...
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      Quick update: Now have version that builds for both Teensy 41 and Micromod with same library... As shown on my clean desk. Should get all of it checked in tomorrow... Today had no net until recent...
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      Great stuff, I am playing with it and looks like most things compile. I have tried to reenable the frame buffering in the fb and clip test and the screen is not changing color... Will debug. Maybe easier to restart it from another copy of that...
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      Just pushed up a new branch to the Teensy_gfx library that starts support for frame buffering, https://github.com/mjs513/Teensy_Parallel_GFX/tree/framebuffer_wip. Just running a modified graphicsTest sketch - quite a bit of a delta - still...
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