Defragster's explanation is correct. If you really want to dive into the details, you'll need the IMXRT1062 reference manual. It's linked from the Teensy 4.1 product page under "Technical Information" (scroll down near the end of that very long...
This closes the issue with Audio library compatibility. Thanks to u/lpao70 for reporting the issue and validating the fix. And as always, thanks to Paul S. and u/ZachVorhies for help and insights.
Future Teensy with will USB-C. I can't discuss any other details at this time. I probably should not even write this message, but hopefully it at least answers this 1 simple question.
For the less knowledgeable folks here, could you explain the advantages of running Unix on the Teensy as opposed to other existing task management libs, or RTOS?
Hey everybody, the problem is solved. I was testing connections and figured out that my switch was not shorting program to ground. I manually shorted program to ground with a wire while it was plugged in and was able to upload code. I'll leave...
Try FCI 10104111-0001LF (I'm pretty sure that's the one used on Teensy 3.2) or FCI 10104110-0001LF.
We have several boxes of leftover connectors at PJRC which will never get used, since Teensy 3.2 and LC are discontinued. If you are located...