Senior Member+
For the heck of it, I purchased one of these, to use to try out on my Teensy 3.1 breakout board that has Arduino Headers.
This display uses the Adafruit_ILI9341 library, which did not compile. I have the impression that it might work the the converted ILI9340 library, but when I tried it did not work. That was before I figured out that the display I received was DOA. Adafruit promptly sent me a replacement, which I then verified that it worked with an Arduino UNO, which it did.
So then I modified the ILI9341 library with similar changes that were in the ILI9340 library and now have the display working. The shield uses standard SPI pins 9-11 (or you can cut some jumpers and solder other jumpers to use SPI out of ISP connector, to use with Leonaro and Megas). It uses Pin 8 as CS
Next thing to try was the touch screen. This uses the library Adafruit_STMPE610, which I downloaded and it compiles... So tried the Sample Paint program which fails to Init the touch screen. Looking at the STMPE610 documentation, it states the maximum speed for SPI communications is 1mhz. On their shield the CS for this chip is Pin 6.
Looking at the both libraries, it looks like the Display wants to run SPI at 8mhz (SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 on __AVR__, /11 on DUE) and as I mentioned above the TS wants to run at 1mhz (SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 on __AVR__, /84 on DUE)
Question what is the best way to handle this with Teensy 3? Right now with display I simply am not setting the speed (like in 9340 code base), and that appears to work.
Suggestions? Should I use predefined dividers like avr?
Windows 7, Teensydino 1.18, Arduino 1.0.5...
This display uses the Adafruit_ILI9341 library, which did not compile. I have the impression that it might work the the converted ILI9340 library, but when I tried it did not work. That was before I figured out that the display I received was DOA. Adafruit promptly sent me a replacement, which I then verified that it worked with an Arduino UNO, which it did.
So then I modified the ILI9341 library with similar changes that were in the ILI9340 library and now have the display working. The shield uses standard SPI pins 9-11 (or you can cut some jumpers and solder other jumpers to use SPI out of ISP connector, to use with Leonaro and Megas). It uses Pin 8 as CS
Next thing to try was the touch screen. This uses the library Adafruit_STMPE610, which I downloaded and it compiles... So tried the Sample Paint program which fails to Init the touch screen. Looking at the STMPE610 documentation, it states the maximum speed for SPI communications is 1mhz. On their shield the CS for this chip is Pin 6.
Looking at the both libraries, it looks like the Display wants to run SPI at 8mhz (SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 on __AVR__, /11 on DUE) and as I mentioned above the TS wants to run at 1mhz (SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 on __AVR__, /84 on DUE)
Question what is the best way to handle this with Teensy 3? Right now with display I simply am not setting the speed (like in 9340 code base), and that appears to work.
Suggestions? Should I use predefined dividers like avr?
Windows 7, Teensydino 1.18, Arduino 1.0.5...