Senior Member+
Sorry to dig up an old thread but on the Feather Tab of your shared spreadsheet shouldn't cells M5-19 be shifted to M6-20 and M5 say L0? I am about to wire up my extra teensy and feather/OLED set up and just double checking a couple things. As I understand it I should leave the L0 pin out on the OLED Feather and the Vbat pin out of the Teensy to Feather adapter. Then to use your solution to the reset issue jumper the empty pin hole L0 to L8 a.k.a. Teensy A0/14. Correct? Also the other pins across the end of the Teensy between 12 and 13 don't seem to go anywhere useful. Ok to just leave all 5 empty? Thanks!
You were right about M5-M19 being shifted to M6-M20, and M5 being L0. Sorry about that. I've corrected the spreadsheet.
Yes, you don't want to connect the OLED reset pin to the Teensy's and instead connect it to whatever pin you want to use for resetting the display in the initializer.
I believe Adafruit has changed the design of the Feather adapter, and the Vbat pin is no longer connected to the lipo battery, so unless you have old boards that pin won't matter.
You might want to connect at least two of the pins on the back of the Teensy.
- You might to connect the DAT pin (pin A14 on the Teensy 3.2 and A12 on the Teensy LC), so that it brings out the first analog pin to the L04 pin. Note, this pin is 3.3v only, and it can only be used for analog input/output and not digital I/O. So far, Adafruit has not used this pin for DAT output (not all of the feather chips support DAT output). I sent them feedback that in the feather wing music maker it would have been a good idea to allow using this pin on the processors (feather M0 and Teensy 3.2/LC) that can do it;
- You might want to connect the program pin, in case you want to use the program pin on other feather wings. Obviously on the OLED wing, it isn't a good idea. It also allows you to bring out the program to an external button.
- The 3.3v and ground pin are redundant with the other pins that you connect.