Obviously there is some amazing software out there for the common individually addressable RGB leds, and also for FFT analysis of music input.
I've found a lot of projects that incorporate these two things to make teensy audio-reactive lights. Which, previously, everyone had to use a laptop or at least RaspPi, so not very portable.
But what I don't know alot about is how to make use of the audio data from a reactive input, to make some reactive lights.
I plan to integrate this into a halloween costume that I made this year with slow-fade non-controllable RGB lights (which unfortunately a friend broke the costume very severely...so I'd like to upgrade it while I'm at it.)
So not being super great with the software side of things I was hoping there's an audio reactive open source program I haven't found yet, that someone could guide me towards and I could probably manage tweaking to my liking. It seems this has been done many times before (see: youtube videos) but none are available for sharing.
baring the availability of piggy-back code, I might get one of those seven channel filtering chips and I could manage the software to make decisions based on the 7 channel spread, but this would be much inferior to an onboard solution. Simply that, an onboard solution without piggy-back code is beyond my skills at the moment
Obviously there is some amazing software out there for the common individually addressable RGB leds, and also for FFT analysis of music input.
I've found a lot of projects that incorporate these two things to make teensy audio-reactive lights. Which, previously, everyone had to use a laptop or at least RaspPi, so not very portable.
But what I don't know alot about is how to make use of the audio data from a reactive input, to make some reactive lights.
I plan to integrate this into a halloween costume that I made this year with slow-fade non-controllable RGB lights (which unfortunately a friend broke the costume very severely...so I'd like to upgrade it while I'm at it.)
So not being super great with the software side of things I was hoping there's an audio reactive open source program I haven't found yet, that someone could guide me towards and I could probably manage tweaking to my liking. It seems this has been done many times before (see: youtube videos) but none are available for sharing.
baring the availability of piggy-back code, I might get one of those seven channel filtering chips and I could manage the software to make decisions based on the 7 channel spread, but this would be much inferior to an onboard solution. Simply that, an onboard solution without piggy-back code is beyond my skills at the moment