Easy-to-use (well supported) large display?

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until now, I used the well known small OLED and TFT displays, up to 2.8", without issues.

Now I need something much larger: say 4.3" as very minimum, 7" if possible.
Resolution is not critical; 320x240 or 480xsomething would suffice.

Touchscreen (capacitive) would be great, but not a deal breaker.

Could you suggest a well-supported TFT display within these parameters, to be used with a Teensy 3.x or 4.x ?
Possibly < $70 (I've seen some nice 7" displays with an embedded "smart" controller and firmware, but Eur 110+, ouch!)

Thank you very much
You might look at the Gamedunio 3X dazzler. These are smart displays that have a FT815 graphics processor:

Since the Gameduino uses an Arduino shield layout, you might want the Sparkfun Teensy -> Arduino shield:
Thank you Michael!

A bit expensive in EU (Eur 85 + shipping), will ask about overseas shipping (worried about shipping time and customs).
Some alternatives are somewhat more expensive and at first they were very limited with what could be obtained from them, without forgetting the learning curve, however, after some time I think I have already managed to make them compatible with teensy 4 and teensy 4.1. GDTeensy4X

NHD 4.3"
NHD 5 "
NHD 7 "
Riverdi 4.3"
Riverdi 5"
Riverdi 7"

It also has support for the BT81x family.

PS: I was very interested in using the SDIO reader to handle the media files that the gameduino can do: jpg, avi, png, jpg image cells and assets). You just have to build a good shield, connect some few wires and that's it.


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I mostly use the displays from buyDisplay.com.

tftm043 4.3" diag with ft5206 cap touch controller
tftm050 5.0" diag with GSL1680 cap touch controller
tftm070 7.0" diag with ft5206 touch controller

All are RA8875 controller based. They all come in either resistive or capacitive based touch controllers.
Here is another display. Has HDMI and VGA inputs complete with i/o board.

Arrived today. Well. China.
Its defective, shows stripes on the left side and some more issues like bad colors.
Lets see if they send a new one.. :)

Its good enough to do some tests with VGA (when my PCB arrives)
I just got mail that the Gamedunio 3X Dazzler with a Teensy specific shield for Teensy 4.0/4.1 is now available:

Here is the Gamedunio 3X Dazzler with the Arduino shield that gives more details, Video output: HDMI 24-bit at 1280x720 (720p) with 48 KHz stereo audio. Note, unlike the Gamedunio 3X that included a screen, I don't think the dazzler has touch support even if your HDMI device has touch support:
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