I just finished putting my first custom Teensy board together tonight. I took a deep breath, plugged it in and.......nothing.
As far as I can tell my MKL04 (from PJRC), isn't alive. It's got power, but the RESET pin is showing 0.095 volts, and it doesn't go LOW when I press my PROG button. What do I now? I'm guessing it must be something I screwed up related to using a 4 pin USB B connector instead of 5 pin, or perhaps some simplification I've made. I was hoping someone could have a peak at my schematic and see if they can spot anything.

I just finished putting my first custom Teensy board together tonight. I took a deep breath, plugged it in and.......nothing.
As far as I can tell my MKL04 (from PJRC), isn't alive. It's got power, but the RESET pin is showing 0.095 volts, and it doesn't go LOW when I press my PROG button. What do I now? I'm guessing it must be something I screwed up related to using a 4 pin USB B connector instead of 5 pin, or perhaps some simplification I've made. I was hoping someone could have a peak at my schematic and see if they can spot anything.