I know this is a very old thread... but this evening I was cleaning up my workbench and found the breadboard with this little Traco power supply.
About a week ago, I built a little shelf to hold the scope and other gear right above the workspace, which makes quick tests much more convenient. So I did a quick test.
I connected a 100 ohm resistor in series with my power supply, which was set to 8 volts. The idea is to emulate a weak power supply, since we know from before the issues were related to the power source.
I also connected a 10 uF capacitor between the Traco input and ground. When the power is connected, that 10 uF capacitor will charge up slowly because of the 100 ohm resistor.
Here's how it looks.
(click for larger)
The yellow is the input power, so the rising edge is where I connected the wire. The green is the voltage at the input of the Traco, and the blue is the Traco's output. The yellow and green are 5V/div and blue is 2V/div, so all look about the same height on these screenshots.
In this test, Teensy 3.0 starts up just fine.
But I was able to reproduce the original problem by removing the 10 uF capacitor. Here's what I see on the scope:
The Teensy 3.0 behaves strangely with this sawtooth-like waveform for its power. It definitely does not run correctly.
In hindsight, adding capacitance at the Traco's input might have solved these problems. But the Traco datasheet implies that's not necessary until you have more than 32 volts input in the "application" section, and even suggests it has internal capacitance in the input specs section. Obviously it's not enough if the power source has series impedance.