QNEthernet Library Usage with PRJC Ethernet Kit


I am working on a project with a Teensy 4.1 board and the PJRC Ethernet Kit. I have soldered the teensy ethernet kit and wired it to the Teensy as shown on the product website. My goal is to be able to communicate with the teensy through a router from another device (More specifically, to have a python script open a UDP or TCP connection to the teensy and have 2-way communication, but I do not think that is particularly relevant for the issue at hand).

The teensy is currently connected to the ethernet kit and the ethernet cable connects from the kit to one of the LAN ports on my router. On the software side, I have tried the QNEthernet sample file BroadcastChat.ino (default version, no changes) and received the terminal message "Failed to get IP address from DHCP" indicating that the Teensy was unable to get a Local IP assigned from the router. I also have tried the ServerWithListernes.ino example file and assigning the Teensy a Static IP to see if I could get around the issue, but this time was unable to get past the Ethernet.begin() function call in line 178 of the example file.

I do not have any specific requirements for the project other than being able to open some sort of TCP or UDP connection with the teensy, so I was not sure exactly what route to go down, but am seeming to have trouble getting any of the example files to even initialize properly. Does anyone have advice on how to approach this project / problem and where I can start with troubleshooting?

Thank you!
Just to confirm: you're using a Teensy 4.1 that has the ethernet chip onboard?
Yes, I am using a default Teensy 4.1 board. As far as I know, these boards by default have the ethernet chip onboard. If that is not the case, please let me know.
If you purchased the normal version, it has the ethernet chip. If you bought the "NE" version, it lacks the ethernet chip.

Easy to just look at the circuit board to check which one you have. The chip is right next to the place where you soldered the 3x2 header pins.

This is my board without the ethernet connector attached (apologies for lack of high quality image, I do not have it on hand). I see the light color IC next to the ethernet pins which means that the ethernet hardware should be usable. I also do think I ordered the default (non-NE) version so this checks out.


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This looks like a NE board, but it's too blurry to be sure. Can you get a closer photo? Or look at it with a magnifier?

The chip is black. It's definitely not light color. It should look like the top picture on msg #6.
This looks like a NE board, but it's too blurry to be sure. Can you get a closer photo? Or look at it with a magnifier?

The chip is black. It's definitely not light color. It should look like the top picture on msg #6.
Ah I see. I misread your message. I thought the top one was the NE board and the bottom one has the ethernet support. It definitely looks like we have the lighter NE board chip. I'll try to find a better picture / get a better look at it to be sure.
Follow up: After using a Teensy with the ethernet IC on it, ethernet link appears to be functioning! Got some test code running and communication seems to be working properly. Thank you Paul and jmarsh for your help!