New member
Hello all-
I'm attempting to baseline the power usage of my setup before I start monkeying with sleeping and disabling stuff, and I'm getting really odd results. I'm using a T2 at 3v3 with the MCP supply from PJRC. I recently got a microUSB breakout board from Sparkfun, so now I'm feeding everything through that and using a cut miniUSB cable to talk to the T2.
I have breakouts from Adafruit for their 128x32 OLED and their Ultimate GPS attached that I've measured before with my craptacular Horrible Freight DMM. I remeasured them today and they're at the expected values: the display ~3-5mA, gps ~25mA.
But when I finally put my DMM on the T2, I got ~85mA?!
I'm stumped, and I've probably done something really stupid. Can any of you Teensy experts see anything wrong with my setup? I've attached a photo of the breadboarding.
P.S. I had to create a new account to post this since the forum server doesn't appear to be sending out reset emails, perhaps the mailserver needs a swift kick in the ass?

I'm attempting to baseline the power usage of my setup before I start monkeying with sleeping and disabling stuff, and I'm getting really odd results. I'm using a T2 at 3v3 with the MCP supply from PJRC. I recently got a microUSB breakout board from Sparkfun, so now I'm feeding everything through that and using a cut miniUSB cable to talk to the T2.
I have breakouts from Adafruit for their 128x32 OLED and their Ultimate GPS attached that I've measured before with my craptacular Horrible Freight DMM. I remeasured them today and they're at the expected values: the display ~3-5mA, gps ~25mA.
But when I finally put my DMM on the T2, I got ~85mA?!
I'm stumped, and I've probably done something really stupid. Can any of you Teensy experts see anything wrong with my setup? I've attached a photo of the breadboarding.
P.S. I had to create a new account to post this since the forum server doesn't appear to be sending out reset emails, perhaps the mailserver needs a swift kick in the ass?