Here is a third^H^H^H^H^H fourth release candidate for Teensyduino 1.20:
Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:
Please give this a try and report any bugs. Try to include a sample program that reproduces the problem!
These are the changes since Teensyduino 1.20-rc2:
A mistake was discovered in -rc3, where some libraries where not included when installing to Arduino 1.0.6. How embarrassing....
Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:
Please give this a try and report any bugs. Try to include a sample program that reproduces the problem!
These are the changes since Teensyduino 1.20-rc2:
- Support Arduino 1.0.6
- Fixes in DMAChannel
- Use Serial2 FIFO on Teensy 3.1
- Add transmitterEnable() on Serial2 & Serial3
- Fix analogWriteFrequency on Teensy 3.1 pins 25 & 32
- Update Time library
- Add Installer Directory Help Button
A mistake was discovered in -rc3, where some libraries where not included when installing to Arduino 1.0.6. How embarrassing....
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