teensyduino linux installer issue

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I am having a technical problem using the teensyduino installer for linux. When I am at 'Select Arduino Folder' part of the install it does not recognize the arduino folder and the 'next' button is grayed out. How do I get past this?



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    Screenshot from 2020-08-24 16-14-38.png
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How do I get past this?

Download a fresh copy of Arduino from Arduino's website:


Extract it. But DO NOT extract it inside of that Arduino folder (which looks like the place you save *your* programs). Put it in a different location, and remember where.

Then run the installer again and select that location. The "Next" button will activate when you select any location which contains a supported copy of the Arduino software.

If you want to know *why* the installer isn't activating the "Next" button, click the small "?" button. But ultimately the answer is the same. You need to have a supported copy of the Arduino software and select the location where the software is installed, not the location where it would save the programs you write.
How did you install the Linux version of Arduino? if you did something like sudo apt-get install Arduino... This type of Arduino won't work.

Also I don't see anything here in your email on what version of Arduino nor which version of Teensyduino.

If the current latest release, it is only supported on specific versions of Arduino:
Teensyduino 1.53 supports Arduino versions 1.8.5 and 1.8.9 and 1.8.11 and 1.8.12 and 1.8.13.
Future versions of Teensyduino will drop support for Arduino 1.8.11
On Windows, the Arduino installer and ZIP are supported, but the "app" is not.
Windows 10 provides much better USB support than Windows 7, 8 & XP.
On Linux, PJRC tests X86 & AARCH64 on Ubuntu and ARM32 on Raspbian. Other distros may work, but are not supported.
I am having a technical problem using the teensyduino installer for linux. When I am at 'Select Arduino Folder' part of the install it does not recognize the arduino folder and the 'next' button is grayed out. How do I get past this?


That looks like your documents folder - i.e. where you would make sketches and install libraries. Teensyduino is asking for the install location of the arduino program. Typically this would be in something like /usr/local/arduinoXX where XX would be the arduino version number.
Unable to run X server, so no GUI installer possible.

Try this:

wget https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.13-linux64.tar.xz
wget https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_153/TeensyduinoInstall.linux64
wget https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/49-teensy.rules
sudo cp 49-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
tar -xf arduino-1.8.13-linux64.tar.xz
chmod 755 TeensyduinoInstall.linux64
./TeensyduinoInstall.linux64 --dir=arduino-1.8.13
cd arduino-1.8.13

And if you want to compile with the makefile, add this:

cd hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy4

This is for Linux on x86 64 bit. For the other linux architectures, replace "linux64" with "linux32" or "linuxarm" or "linunxaarch64".
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