Web site could use a few updates :)

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Well-known member
EDIT: Please use this github repository for website updates.



Wandering around PJRC website, there are a few pages which would need updating.
I know Paul is so much busy, but at least let's keep track:

Pictures: Teensies 4.x are missing
"Key features" table: even 3.2, 3.5 and 3.6 are missing
I would also remove references to 3.1

Missing 4.x
Title is wrong: "Teensy LC (Low Cost)"

"Hardware" tree-menu on the left column misses 3.5, 3.6, 4.x
Teensyduino install instructions don’t explain the latest method of bundling Arduino with Teensyduino (for Mac only?) and cause confusion

* DONE *
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Cool update here included T_4.x's !!! - but change to T_3.6 looks like copy paste error?? : pjrc.com/store/
Teensy 4.1 – Teensy 4.1 with Pins – Extreme 600 MHz Speed, with USB Host, SD Card, Memory Expansion
Teensy 4.0 – Teensy 4.0 with Pins – Extreme 600 MHz Speed
Teensy 3.6 – Teensy 3.6 with Pins – Fastest Teensy 3.x, with USB Host, Hi-Res Analog Inputs and [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]1 Analog Output[/COLOR][/B]
Teensy 3.5 – Teensy 3.5 with Pins – Fastest 5V Tolerant Teensy
Teensy 3.2 – Teensy 3.2 with Pins – Powerful in Small Size, Hi-Res Analog Inputs and 1 Analog Output
Teensy LC – Teensy LC with Pins – Lowest Cost

Should that be:
Teensy 3.6 – Teensy 3.6 with Pins – Fastest Teensy 3.x, with USB Host, Hi-Res Analog Inputs and [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]2 Analog Outputs[/COLOR][/B]
Teensy 3.5 – Teensy 3.5 with Pins – Fastest 5V Tolerant Teensy[B], Hi-Res Analog Inputs and [COLOR="#FF0000"]2 Analog Outputs[/COLOR][/B]

maybe even:
Teensy 4.1 – Teensy 4.1 with Pins – Extreme 600 MHz Speed, with USB Host, SD Card socket and pads for Memory Expansion
Teensy 4.0 – Teensy 4.0 with Pins – Extreme 600 MHz Speed, with pads for USB Host, SD Card

* DONE *
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"Extreme" - what will be the next (i.mx.rt 1070)
Improbability Drive?

...it will be fun :)

Don't panic.
Teensyduino install instructions don’t explain the latest method of bundling Arduino with Teensyduino (for Mac only?) and cause confusion

I've added a "Install Step 1: (Macintosh 10.10-10.15 only) Complete Software" to that page.

In the future I'm planning to move this to a top-level "Downloads" page, where we'll offer a complete ready-to-run copy for all operating systems, and the installer for all of them too (except Catalina of course), and probably a 3rd package for "stand alone" use with Arduino-specific stuff.

In the meantime, these OS-specific install steps are kind of awkward, but hopefully they get the needed info to people?
I've added a "Install Step 1: (Macintosh 10.10-10.15 only) Complete Software" to that page.

If you follow the steps in order, without reading ahead, "Install Step 1" has you download Arduino which is useless if you're using Macintosh 10.10-10.15. Maybe change the first step to "Install Step 1: (skip for Macintosh 10.10-10.15)"?
I don’t know what topic to write ... Thanks for the forum. I am new, but already found a lot of useful information for myself!
The reference page link is hard to get to appear on the left frame - finally top clicked TEENSY and then it was there - would be nice to have it when viewing the store/device info: pjrc.com/teensy/pinout.html
> schematics and manuals and other ref info not easy to find in 'Products' section.

Dimensions are missing for new boards:
Dimensions of the T_4.0 should match the T_3.2 shown here : [URL="https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/dimensions.html"]https://pjrc.com/teensy/dimensions.html[/URL]
> That page doesn't include the T_4.1 or T_3.6 which add 10 pins - so should be one inch longer and still breadboard friendly
> all edge pins are 0.10" for common spacing: 14 pins x 7 pins or 24 pins by 7 pins for the extended boards

Interrupts page seems out of date and non-ARM helpful? : pjrc.com/teensy/interrupts.html

* DONE * (interrupt note moved to summary post)
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"Possible use of APA102" section is out of date, referring to Teensy 3.x pins only, and a broken G+ link. The FastLED G+ group was captured on another forum, and I found a link to the page:


BTW if you want to do this for another FastLED G+ broken link

- Paste the G+ link into the Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org
- Find the topic name
- Google the topic name in quotes, optionally including "site:makerforums.info"
When will audioEffectRectifier be added to the ASD tool? I find myself using it a lot (envelope follower), and the example vocoder sketch can't even be imported into the asd as it is so people can see how it's "wired."

No mention of Teensy 4: "OctoWS2811 requires the DMA (Direct Memory Access) engine which is available only in Teensy LC & 3.x."

Also, it appears from skimming your OctoWS2811 Teensy 4 code and reading between the lines on some forum posts you made that OctoWS2811 running on the Teensy 4 can drive more than 8 outputs, but there's no documentation to that effect.

! not Done !
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Update to T_4.x Memory page ( pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html ) and Compile time decoration for :: FLASHMEM .vs. PROGMEM

See @KurtE :: pjrc.com/threads/62966-issues-on-program-with-large-dataset
PROGMEM Code - Functions defined with "PROGMEM" executed directly from Flash. If the Cortex-M7 cache is not already holding a copy of the function, a delay results while the Flash memory is read into the M7's cache. PROGMEM should be used on startup code and other functions where speed is not important.
should be changed to:
PROGMEM Code - Functions defined with "FLASHMEM" executed directly from Flash. If the Cortex-M7 cache is not already holding a copy of the function, a delay results while the Flash memory is read into the M7's cache. PROGMEM should be used on startup code and other functions where speed is not important.

EDIT: Memory summary could present EXTMEM info for allocating into PSRAM at compile time

! not Done !
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If you follow the steps in order, without reading ahead, "Install Step 1" has you download Arduino which is useless if you're using Macintosh 10.10-10.15. Maybe change the first step to "Install Step 1: (skip for Macintosh 10.10-10.15)"?

I've reorganized the installation instructions on the downloads page.


The old 3-steps-fits-all approach obviously wasn't working. Instead I changed it to 5 different installation scenarios, each with their own number of steps. Hopefully this new way is clearer?
Can someone who knows Windows help with screenshots and specific instructions for configuring Windows Defender to not real-time scan Arduino?

I put a "TODO: Wanted... screenshot(s) for Windows Defender config to exclude real time scanning Arduino" placeholder on the website.


I normally use Linux as my primary system and Macintosh for video, so I really could use a hand on these Windows details.
Can someone who knows Windows help with screenshots and specific instructions for configuring Windows Defender to not real-time scan Arduino?

In Win 10 - It really isn't called 'Defender' anymore - but 'Windows Security' - though Defender still pops on the system Search [tap 'WinKey' type 'Defender']. THOUGH I see it is shown as 'Windows Defender Antivirus' in screen shot highlight below.

My machine may be unique - I have an SSD T:\ where I unzip ALL Arduino installs and my sketchbook, I also redirected all %TEMP% data to use that drive - where the builds also happen - and PageFile is stored.

So in this case all I did was add an exclusion for ALL of :: T:\

It will allow specifying by type : File, Folder, Process or File Type.

I also turn Off 'Ransomeware protection' - Turned "ON" to show options in image below.

The only other 'Security' I use is "MalwareBytes" ( and I tell it not to replace 'Windows Security' in settings. ) and have to do a similar exclusion.

I also often do 'Downloads' to a folder on this T: drive - and Neither of the above with scan them - I have to move files to another drive:\folder to have them scan. So the 'No Scan' seems absolute.

Doing these things leaves open some vulnerabilities I expect my common sense and the above tools to otherwise protect me from

But builds are MUCH faster and in all the downloads, installs and other things done here the only issues it having to right click properties and 'Unblock' a downloaded item, or read the screen and 'Run anyway' [when I trust the app source - usually with a file move to a scannable drive and scanning with both above tools].
I've reorganized the installation instructions on the downloads page.


The old 3-steps-fits-all approach obviously wasn't working. Instead I changed it to 5 different installation scenarios, each with their own number of steps. Hopefully this new way is clearer?

Macintosh Installation
1: Proceed to step 2, no separate Arduino IDE install required
2: Download Teensyduino for MacOS 10.10 - 10.15.
     Note: This download is a complete copy of all software. No separate installer is used.
3: On first use, you must allow access to your Documents folder.
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