#include "Arduino.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
// Arghhh. These three links have disappeared!
// See this page for the original code:
// http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/minix/html/dir_acf1a49c3b8ff2cb9205e4a19757c0d6.html
// From: http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/minix/html/zm_8c-source.html
// docs at: http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/minix/html/zm_8c.html
// The minix files here might be the same thing:
// http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~cop4600/cgi-bin/lxr/http/source.cgi/commands/zmodem/
#include "zmodem_config.h"
#include "zmodem.h"
#include "zmodem_zm.h"
// This works with Tera Term Pro Web Version 3.1.3 (2002/10/08)
// (www.ayera.com) but TeraTerm only works on COM1, 2, 3 or 4.
// It DOES NOT handle interruptions of the Tx or Rx lines so it
// will NOT work in a hostile environment.
Originally was an example by fat16lib of reading a directory
and listing its files by directory entry number.
See: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=173562.0
Heavily modified by Pete (El Supremo) to recursively list the files
starting at a specified point in the directory structure and then
use zmodem to transmit them to the PC via the ZSERIAL port
Further heavy modifications by Dylan (monte_carlo_ecm, bitflipper, etc.)
to create a user driven "file manager" of sorts.
Many thanks to Pete (El Supremo) who got this started. Much work remained
to get receive (rz) working, mostly due to the need for speed because of the
very small (64 bytes) Serial buffer in the Arduino.
I have tested this with an Arduino Mega 2560 R3 interfacing with Windows 10
using Hyperterminal, Syncterm and TeraTerm. All of them seem to work, though
their crash recovery (partial file transfer restart) behaviours vary.
Syncterm kicks out a couple of non-fatal errors at the beginning of sending
a file to the Arduino, but appears to always recover and complete the transfer.
This sketch should work on any board with at least 30K of flash and 2K of RAM.
Go to zmodem_config.h and disable some of the ARDUINO_SMALL_MEMORY_* macros
for maximum peace of mind and stability if you don't need all the features
(send, receive and file management).
- Fixes for Arduino IDE 1.8.5
- Attempted to patch for use on Teensy
- Large scale code clean-up, reduction of variable sizes where they were
unnecessarily large, sharing variables previously unshared between sz and
rz, and creative use of the send/receive buffer allowed this sketch to
BARELY fit and run with all features enabled on a board with 30K flash and
2K of RAM. Uno & Nano users - enjoy.
- Some boards were unstable at baud rates above 9600. I tracked this back
to overrunning the SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE to my surprise. Added a check
if a flush() is required both in the help and directory listings, as well
as the sendline() macro.
- Taken over by Dylan (monte_carlo_ecm, bitflipper, etc.)
- Added Serial based user interface
- Added support for SparkFun MP3 shield based SDCard (see zmodem_config.h)
- Moved CRC tables to PROGMEM to lighten footprint on dynamic memory (zmodem_crc16.cpp)
- Added ZRQINIT at start of sz. All terminal applications I tested didn't strictly need it, but it's
super handy for getting the terminal application to auto start the download
- Completed adaptation of rz to Arduino
- Removed directory recursion for sz in favour of single file or entire current directory ("*") for sz
- Optimized zdlread, readline, zsendline and sendline
into macros for rz speed - still only up to 57600 baud
- Enabled "crash recovery" for both sz and rz. Various terminal applications may respond differently
to restarting partially completed transfers; experiment with yours to see how it behaves. This
feature could be particularly useful if you have an ever growing log file and you just need to
download the entries since your last download from your Arduino to your computer.
- remove extraneous code such as the entire main() function
in sz and rz and anything dependent on the vax, etc.
- moved purgeline, sendline, readline and bttyout from rz to zm
so that the the zmodem_rz.cpp file is not required when compiling
- yup, sz transfer still works.
10 files -- 2853852 bytes
Time = 265 secs
This was originally working on a T++2 and now works on T3
- This works on a T3 using the RTC/GPS/uSD breadboard
It sent multiple files - see info.h
- both rz and sz sources compile together here but have not
yet ensured that transmit still works.
- it compiles. It even times out. But it doesn't send anything
to the PC - the TTYUSB LEDs don't blink at all
- ARGHH. It does help to open the Serial1 port!!
- but now it sends something to TTerm but TTerm must be answering
with a NAK because they just repeat the same thing over
and over again.
It should have sent two, but I'll take it!
- tried sending 2012/09 at 115200 - it sent the first file (138kB!)
but hangs when it starts on the second one. The file is created
but is zero length.
// Set USE_SDIO to zero for SPI card access.
#define USE_SDIO 1
* SD chip select pin. Common values are:
* Arduino Ethernet shield, pin 4.
* SparkFun SD shield, pin 8.
* Adafruit SD shields and modules, pin 10.
* Default SD chip select is the SPI SS pin.
const uint8_t SD_CHIP_SELECT = SS;
// SdFatSdioEX uses extended multi-block transfers without DMA //
// SdFatSdio uses a traditional DMA SDIO implementation //
// Use faster SdioCardEX
SdFatSdioEX sd;
// SdFatSdio sd;
SdFatSdio sd;
#define error(s) sd.errorHalt(s)
// Teensy 2.0 has the LED on pin 11
// Teensy++ 2.0 has the LED on pin 6
// Teensy 3.x / Teensy LC have the LED on pin 13
const int ledPin = 13;
extern int Filesleft;
extern long Totalleft;
extern SdFile fout;
// store error strings in flash
#define sdErrorMsg(msg) sd.errorPrint(F(msg));
// Dylan (monte_carlo_ecm, bitflipper, etc.) - This function was added because I found
// that SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE was getting overrun at higher baud rates. This modified
// Serial.print() function ensures we are not overrunning the buffer by flushing if
// it gets more than half full.
size_t DSERIALprint(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh)
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(ifsh);
size_t n = 0;
while (1) {
unsigned char c = pgm_read_byte(p++);
if (c == 0) break;
if (DSERIAL.availableForWrite() > SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE / 2) DSERIAL.flush();
if (DSERIAL.write(c)) n++;
else break;
return n;
#define DSERIALprintln(_p) ({ DSERIALprint(_p); DSERIAL.write("\r\n"); })
void help(void)
DSERIALprint(F(" - Transfer rate: "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(ZMODEM_SPEED); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("Available Commands:")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("HELP - Print this list of commands")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("DIR - List files in current working directory - alternate LS")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("PWD - Print current working directory")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("CD - Change current working directory")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("DEL file - Delete file - alternate RM")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("MD dir - Create dir - alternate MKDIR")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("RD dir - Delete dir - alternate RMDIR")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("SZ file - Send file from Arduino to terminal (* = all files)")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F("RZ - Receive a file from terminal to Arduino (Hyperterminal sends this")); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F(" automatically when you select Transfer->Send File...)")); DSERIAL.flush();
SdFile fout;
//dir_t *dir ;
// Dylan (monte_carlo_ecm, bitflipper, etc.) - The way I made this sketch in any way operate on
// a board with only 2K of RAM is to borrow the SZ/RZ buffer for the buffers needed by the main
// loop(), in particular the file name parameter and the SdFat directory entry. This is very
// unorthodox, but now it works on an Uno. Please see notes in zmodem_config.h for limitations
#define name (&oneKbuf[512])
#define dir ((dir_t *)&oneKbuf[256])
void setup()
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on
// NOTE: The following line needs to be uncommented if DSERIAL and ZSERIAL are decoupled again for debugging
while (!DSERIAL) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
DSERIALprint(F("Transfer rate: "));
//Initialize the SdCard.
DSERIALprintln(F("About to initialize SdCard"));
if (!sd.cardBegin()) {
sdErrorMsg("\nsd.cardBegin failed");
DSERIALprintln(F("About to change directory"));
if(!sd.chdir("/", true)) sd.errorHalt(F("sd.chdir"));
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hangs here.
DSERIALprintln(F("SdCard setup complete"));
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED on
while (1);
int count_files(int *file_count, long *byte_count)
*file_count = 0;
*byte_count = 0;
while (sd.vwd()->readDir(dir) == sizeof(*dir)) {
// read next directory entry in current working directory
// format file name
SdFile::dirName(dir, name);
// remember position in directory
uint32_t pos = sd.vwd()->curPosition();
// open file
if (!fout.open(name, O_READ)) error(F("file.open failed"));
// restore root position
else if (!sd.vwd()->seekSet(pos)) error(F("seekSet failed"));
else if (!fout.isDir()) {
*file_count = *file_count + 1;
*byte_count = *byte_count + fout.fileSize();
return 0;
void loop(void)
char *cmd = oneKbuf;
char *param;
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on
delay(500); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off
delay(3000); // wait for a second
*cmd = 0;
while (DSERIAL.available()) DSERIAL.read();
char c = 0;
while(1) {
if (DSERIAL.available() > 0) {
c = DSERIAL.read();
if ((c == 8 or c == 127) && strlen(cmd) > 0) cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = 0;
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') break;
if (c != 8 && c != 127) strncat(cmd, &c, 1);
} else {
// Dylan (monte_carlo_ecm, bitflipper, etc.) -
// This delay is required because I found that if I hard loop with DSERIAL.available,
// in certain circumstances the Arduino never sees a new character. Various forum posts
// seem to confirm that a short delay is required when using this style of reading
// from Serial
param = strchr(cmd, 32);
if (param > 0) {
*param = 0;
param = param + 1;
} else {
param = &cmd[strlen(cmd)];
// DSERIALprintln(command);
// DSERIALprintln(parameter);
if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("HELP"))) {
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("DIR")) || !strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("LS"))) {
DSERIALprintln(F("Directory Listing:"));
while (sd.vwd()->readDir(dir) == sizeof(*dir)) {
// read next directory entry in current working directory
// format file name
SdFile::dirName(dir, name);
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.print(name); DSERIAL.flush();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16 - strlen(name); ++i) DSERIALprint(F(" "));
if (!(dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY)) {
ultoa(dir->fileSize, name, 10);
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(name); DSERIAL.flush();
} else {
DSERIALprintln(F("End of Directory"));
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("PWD"))) {
sd.vwd()->getName(name, 13);
DSERIALprint(F("Current working directory is "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(name); DSERIAL.flush();
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("CD"))) {
if(!sd.chdir(param, true)) {
DSERIALprint(F("Directory "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.print(param); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F(" not found"));
} else {
DSERIALprint(F("Current directory changed to "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(param); DSERIAL.flush();
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("DEL")) || !strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("RM"))) {
if (!sd.remove(param)) {
DSERIALprint(F("Failed to delete file "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(param); DSERIAL.flush();
} else {
DSERIALprint(F("File "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.print(param); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F(" deleted"));
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("MD")) || !strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("MKDIR"))) {
if (!sd.mkdir(param, true)) {
DSERIALprint(F("Failed to create directory "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(param); DSERIAL.flush();
} else {
DSERIALprint(F("Directory "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.print(param); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F(" created"));
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("RD")) || !strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("RMDIR"))) {
if (!sd.rmdir(param)) {
DSERIALprint(F("Failed to remove directory "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.println(param); DSERIAL.flush();
} else {
DSERIALprint(F("Directory "));
DSERIAL.flush(); DSERIAL.print(param); DSERIAL.flush();
DSERIALprintln(F(" removed"));
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("SZ"))) {
// Filcnt = 0;
if (!strcmp_P(param, PSTR("*"))) {
count_files(&Filesleft, &Totalleft);
if (Filesleft > 0) {
while (sd.vwd()->readDir(dir) == sizeof(*dir)) {
// read next directory entry in current working directory
// format file name
SdFile::dirName(dir, name);
// open file
if (!fout.open(name, O_READ)) error(F("file.open failed"));
else if (!fout.isDir()) {
if (wcs(name) == ERROR) {
else delay(500);
} else {
DSERIALprintln(F("No files found to send"));
} else if (!fout.open(param, O_READ)) {
DSERIALprintln(F("file.open failed"));
} else {
// Start the ZMODEM transfer
Filesleft = 1;
Totalleft = fout.fileSize();
} else if (!strcmp_P(cmd, PSTR("RZ"))) {
// DSERIALprintln(F("Receiving file..."));
if (wcreceive(0, 0)) {
DSERIALprintln(F("zmodem transfer failed"));
} else {
DSERIALprintln(F("zmodem transfer successful"));