The only reason I manually installed it was due to the issue you high lighted. The issue was there before I unistalled and re-installed.
The only thing left to do is to unistall teensyduino/arduino IDE and starting from a clean slate.
since this...
I don't know what else I am supposed to do here. I have removed all traces of the library, made sure it was unistalled and reinstalled to the latest version.
This is the second time of doing this. After the first time the error message changed...
Let me repeat, it does not compile.
And Yes, blocking is what i was looking for, which is why I chose the commands that I did. The issue isn't with it running on the controller, but just compiling and persists both inside of and outside of a...
Sorry for the double post but have just found the runToPosition doesn't work either.
Compilation error: no matching function for call to 'AccelStepper::runToPosition(long int)'
this does not compile:
while (rawData > 20){...
Yes I am aware. The delaty currently as a simple function of allow the mechanic to settle before taking a reading.
The issue is,
Compilation error: 'long int AccelStepper::stepForward()' is protected within this context
May have come across another issue while experimenting futher. Didn't see much point in making a hile new thread.
Timer interrupt commented out and main loop replaced with the code below.
if (rawData != 0){...
I had to move it to the void setup() to allow it to compile, all seems the same.
This seemed to have been the issue. Never had an issue before, but I don't use interrupts much
that should actually be taken with the line above.
AccelStepper stepper(1, step_pin, direct, true);
AccelStepper setEnablePin(enable_pin);
the first line here sets the mode and then sets the step pin to pin 2, direcction pin to pin 5 and...
I have a background project going while I am waiting for parts to arrive.
I have been playing with speedystepper up to this point, but looking further down the road I will need to operate the motor at the same time as a display and various inputs...
That is where I started. I have done a little experimenting with the vader voice changer code adn found that simply adjusting the granular set speed and delay before going into the first mixer gets me close.
Been requiested to build a cos play but need some advice on where to start.
This is for a friday night at freddies situation. I have been reading a few threads on voice changers but still a little stuck on what is going to be the best way to...