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    • TomChiron
      That helped! Using a powered USB hub makes it work! MouseKeyboardForward working. Keyboard without mouse is also possible. Not sure if it is really the power or something else is going on here? I will check the voltages when I have more time...
    • TomChiron
      This is all which is coming out from the debug (enabled in USBHost_t36.h, using HIDDeviceInfo): sizeof Device = 36 sizeof Pipe = 96 sizeof Transfer = 64 power up USBHS PHY reset waited 5 USBHS_ASYNCLISTADDR = 0 USBHS_PERIODICLISTBASE = 1FFFA000...
    • TomChiron
      I tried today this nice little keyboard but didn't get it working: (bought in Germany from but you get it with different layouts and other brandings) No luck: Tried different combinations with keyboard and mouse, but it seems that...
      • 20241005_172704_.jpg
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to fitball's post in the thread Multiple definitions of 'loop' with Like Like.
      Yes, I worked out details for the priority director. Among other things I penciled simulations of 12-bit to 14-bit word lengths to achieve the least number of overall BITS for test programs! Unfortunately, we had to use unreliable transistors for...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread Multiple definitions of 'loop' with Like Like.
      You need the setup() function in the same file as loop(). Why did you remove it? The copy of the Blink program in the core usually gets ignored because it contains only a setup() and loop() function, which both get overridden by your program...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread Multiple definitions of 'loop' with Like Like.
      You MUST have a setup() function. It will not work without one.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Multiple definitions of 'loop'.
      Have you tried to compile other sketches from the examples?
    • TomChiron
      You say there is a buffer? Could you use a voltage divider as shown here? BTW maximum rating is VDDA+0.3, i.e. 3.6 V where a damage can start.
    • TomChiron
      Quick demo of my latest work; got the devboard v5 to run the code, am able to analyze the track and then display a moving waveform Audio is buffered in SDRAM Waveform is buffered in SDRAM Waveform canvas is buffered in DMAMEM Display buffers are...
    • TomChiron
      Hi all, last year I revealed my Teensy 4.1-based groovebox I was working on for a while, the audio enjoyer xr-1. It was posted on the Teensy forum here: I was working with at least...
    • TomChiron
      To record to the Teensy SD card the output of the audio engine exactly as sent to USB and/or audio adaptor, I made an example in my buffered SD play/record branch. On the other hand, if you're wanting to send to the PC via USB, then the Teensy...
    • TomChiron
      If you are recording the digital signal (via USB on your computer or to SD card from the Teensy) the signal is technically the same. In practice it can become tricky about noise depending on the cable connections you have in the setup together...
    • TomChiron
      It's about 30µs needed per LED, i.e. ~6ms added update time for 200 pixels, i.e. you are going from ~12ms to ~18ms in total. This limits the update rate of the leds. For LEDs on a MIDI controller 50Hz (20ms) should be more than sufficiently quick...
    • TomChiron
      Doesn't hurt to always have the maximum number defined. Also in the case when there are not so many leds connected.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to kd5rxt-mark's post in the thread Making a shortcut keyboard with Like Like.
      I built up a control system for our amateur radio clubhouse which allows members to make reservations on a schedule for the use of a radio & an antenna from a web-based scheduling system. I have an RPi that reads that database & uses the...
    • TomChiron
      That sounds like a solvable problem. I am curious now to try some of these small keyboards myself. I have some projects where an affordable and out of the box solution for wireless user control input would come in very handy... For me, even...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Making a shortcut keyboard.
      Do you mean that you would like to start a program in Windows 10 using the Teensy as keyboard device? You need to somehow use shortcuts which you will be sending from the Teensy to Windows. One workaround is to pin the desired apps to your...
    • TomChiron
      Have you looked for keyboards with it's own proprietary USB dongle? Or is that what you mean in your first option? As such a dongle behaves as a usual, class compliant USB keyboard device this should work fine and reliably. There are some small...
    • TomChiron
      What about a bistable relais?
    • TomChiron
      Lorlin BCK1001 rotary switch?
    • TomChiron
      It's not a sum, it's a bitmask. Each bit position in the value represents a separate button. You can use logical AND operations to easily check the state of individual buttons.
    • TomChiron
      Yes, 16 pins is far below 42 ... I am running setups with "only" 24 pins. Working great and is a lot of fun!
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Mixed signal project.
      It depends on the quality you need or desire. The audio adapter is not a high quality measurement device and mixed signals can cause noise. PCB ground design and separation of power sources is limited when using these existing boards. Not sure...
    • TomChiron
      Sadly, our art car was destroyed on its way back from the playa this year when a drunk driver rear-ended our trailer at over 100mph. So this was its last ride. But thank you to PJRC, Teensy, OctoWS2811 and all the support over the years. It was a...
    • TomChiron
      To make the code readable it is helpful to use the code formatting in the forum like // this code is easiet to read void myFunction{ Serial.print("Hello") } What exactly is your goal? Have a Teensy as a Joystick? You turn one encoder by one...
    • TomChiron
      About what and how many USB devices are we talking exactly? Have you measured the current? I was surprised that for many devices it stays way below 500mA both for controllers with some leds or even instruments. I don't know instruments which need...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to dangelo's post in the thread Teensy Audio Library Scrubber Object with Like Like.
      Hey anyone who's following this, sorry about being MIA! I had a super busy summer, but I finally updated the GitHub for the scrubber. It now includes the most up to date code, allowing for variable speed playback as well as smooth scrubbing of...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Building a 2 channel DJ mixer.
      I am not sure if it is possible to change the Biquad filter without getting audible artifacts. You can simply try that out and see if it is working for you. In the documentation there is a note about low corner frequencies which could be also...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Synchronizing teensies (again).
      As MarkT already mentioned, why not use one device for playback and record? If you have a wire connection to the second teensy anyway you could also use a line signal oder the microphone signal. Or what is the reason to have two Teensies?
    • TomChiron
      Nope, the delays are hardware-agnostic like all the effects, synth objects etc. Well, the “external” delay needs you to add some RAM, but for a short enough delay you won’t need it. The only hardware-specific objects are the control ones...
    • TomChiron
      Using external amplifier boards would be the easiest way to connect each microphone to one of line inputs makes sense. I am curious: Have you an idea how to deal with the latency the signal needs from the analog input through AD, processing and...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to JLS's post in the thread PureData on Teensy 4.0 with Like Like.
      Some my PureData patches run on the Teensy 4.0 :-)
    • TomChiron
      Using MIDI notes from a DAW seems to be a nice and clever idea. As your is constantly running in the main loop and only interrupted every 10ms (for a very short time) I assume you are reading as much MIDI data as possible and there...
    • TomChiron
      On the Teensy side the update interval of 10ms should be fine (expected around 1,5ms for 512 LEDs). Even too short times would not cause a problem. What exactly do you mean by "...MIDI to internal LED..."? How is the MIDI data generated? Can...
    • TomChiron
      Without any meaningful units for the level it is difficult to get a clear impression. I would suggest: Normalize the level between 0.0 and 1.0 (isn't that the numbers you get from your audio samples anyway? Convert to dBFS (decibel full scale) by...
    • TomChiron
      Have you thought about adding a second audio shield?
    • TomChiron
      I also don't see any attachments. At what levels exactly are we looking here in the FFT plot? Is it really 5e8? Or 5e-8? If it should be a very low level there could be some crosstalk on the analog lines which is totally normal. What levels do...
    • TomChiron
      You asked and I offered my answer.
    • TomChiron
      Have a look at the decibel scale, i.e. 20*log10(linear_level), where the linear level is a float from 0.0 to 1.0. This gets you a value in dbFS (dB full scale) from -inf to 0. Take a range which makes sense for your application, e.g. -60 to 0.
    • TomChiron
      Finally got the waveform code working right! void createWaveform(ExFile file) { // Skip WAV header (44 bytes) file.seekSet(44); uint32_t numSamplesProcessed = 0; // Loop through PCM data while (file.available()) { int32_t...
    • TomChiron
      Back in 2014 I started a thread about my Burning Man project and claimed that I'd post pictures of the project, but never ever did, and now the thread is closed for reasons. But anyway, Teensy and OctoWS2811 have been serving us well for 10...
    • TomChiron
      Have you already looked into the queue object? (Connecting it to the output of the I2S input) Have you looked here:
    • TomChiron
      For decibels in the usual way the argument you put into log10 has to be between 0.0 (or smallest float if you want to avoid -inf as result) and 1.0. So it makes sense to normalize / use as reference the maximum integer number (32767) with...
    • TomChiron
      A logarithmic view of the amplitude should help to get the quiet parts visible: Use 20*log10 to get a view in decibels.
    • TomChiron
      There exist pushbuttons with included display: They have a limited resolution and cost some money. If you should prefer less pricey solutions you could: use a touchscreen (e.g. 2,4" ILI9341 or...
    • TomChiron
      You should definitely check options to use Ethernet with a Teensy 4.1 and run Artnet or There is a lot of software which supports such protocols and makes programming and control easy from a laptop. I don't see why one Teensy 4.1...
    • TomChiron
      Looks like a wonderful project! Is there a reason to use the Teensy 4.1? Wouldn't the 4.0 be sufficient? Seems that there a some more pins you could use which are covered mechanically by the audio board. For the encoder it could be helpful to...
    • TomChiron
      Hi all! As a fun project for a friend, I re-imagined the Trautonium synth from the 1930s as a 21st-century performance instrument, implementing the features of the Mixtur-Trautonium (the 1940s version), and adding modern features like different...
    • TomChiron
      From a quick look everything looks OK (no guarantee). It could be helpful to check the datasheet and see which capacitors have what function. This is important to place them on the pcb. E.g. there is one 0.1µF for VDDIO which should be placed as...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread crossfader with teensy 4.0.
      If there is no other audio processing is needed, a completely analog solution could also work for your purpose. There are devices available which costs the same or less than a Teensy 4.0 + 2x audio shield + fader + connectors + enclosure ...
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