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    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread vBat specs??.
      Thanks, BillFM. I was searching the reverence manual and couldn't find it there.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to BillFM's post in the thread vBat specs?? with Like Like.
      The Battery Backup operating range is listed in 1060 Electrical spec as 2.4V to 3.6V on page 23. There's also a Note #3: In setting VDD_SNVS_IN voltage with regards to Charging Currents and RTC, refer to the i.MX RT1060 Hardware Development...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to internett's post in the thread vBat specs?? with Like Like.
      Thanks great. The first 2 i've read, but I missed the one Paul gives the max (3rd thread).
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread vBat specs??.
      Maybe you could find some information here: ... but probably not about maximum...
    • TomChiron
      That sounds like an interesting project. Not sure if I understand the idea/question. The setup is: - Teensy with GPS module provides timestamp signal over USB audio - Smartphone (Android?) records video signal from integrated camera together...
    • TomChiron
      Cross post from: Hey Teensy coders. This Monday FastLED is planning on changing the default WS2812 driver from the previous default one to Kurt Funderburg amazing ObjectFLED driver. In case you don't know, this is the spiritual successor to...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to beermat's post in the thread Teensy remote display with Like Like.
      The driver library and Windows / MacOS client software have been updated to support streaming buffers over USBSerial1. Just need a bare Teensy 4.x and a USB cable!
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to beermat's post in the thread Teensy remote display with Like Like.
      If you have a Teensy with Ethernet and a TFT screen that you update with buffers of 16 bit RGB565 pixel data you should be able to use this code, along with the supplied Mac or Windows client, to also display (and control) the screen remotely on...
    • TomChiron
      Thank you it is working. I wanted the SD card so that I could allow users remap the keys on the keyboard. I added a video of what the thing looks like. On the github page if you care to see it. I appreciate you spending time on my problem, I was...
    • TomChiron
      To check the hardware you can use a simple sketch without any library, e.g. use the pushbutton pullup example from tutorial 3. If the pins are working you can rule out any problems with your cable connections or the Teensy hardware. From a quick...
    • TomChiron This closes the issue with Audio library compatibility. Thanks to u/lpao70 for reporting the issue and validating the fix. And as always, thanks to Paul S. and u/ZachVorhies for help and insights. Release...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to ghostintranslation's post in the thread Drone 2.0 with Like Like.
      Hi, I officially released the new version of my Drone eurorack module, now based on my Motherboard 2. Sound pack here: Drone features 4 voices with Sine and Resonant Noise...
    • TomChiron
      It turns out, the Teensy 4.1 and 4.0 are absolute LED beasts! The claim is all 50 pins can be driven with DMA. Can that be possible? The backend driver is ObjectFLED which just came out for Arduino-Teensy. FastLED 3.9.8 just made this a core...
    • TomChiron
      I don't know these libraries. From my understanding from a quick look the mapping of one pot is done on one analog input. Probably the library needs some adaptation to use it with a mux input where the same analog input pin is used for different...
    • TomChiron
      One thing is that the order of the pins is not completely controllable as far as I remember. If you have strips connected to ALL those pins for a test this shouldn't matter at that point. You have 10*400 = 4000 LEDs now in this definition which...
    • TomChiron
      Another way would be a simple lowpass: float alpha = 0.2; // choose that you like it // frequency_new = ... map your sensor data frequency = frequency + (alpha * (frequency_new - frequency));
    • TomChiron
      Future Teensy with will USB-C. I can't discuss any other details at this time. I probably should not even write this message, but hopefully it at least answers this 1 simple question.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      I understood that a gamepad = joystick device to send data to the PC is needed? Not sure how a USB serial device could work here.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Low-pass filter problem.
      I would also ask for the reason why analog signals are used. Connecting the two microcontroller via one serial interface makes it easy to communicate and send data more reliable. If only one direction is needed, only GND and TX to RX would be...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to Rolfdegen's post in the thread New polyhonic Teensy DIY Sampler with Like Like.
      Hello dear DIY friends.. I'm working on a new project called Degenerator 2. It's a polyphonic sampler and synthesizer based on Teensy 4.1 with 16MB sample ram and touchscreen. In 2011 I started developing my first monophonic sampler/synthesizer...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to Rolfdegen's post in the thread New polyhonic Teensy DIY Sampler with Like Like.
      Next Step Menu pages.. Things are moving forward. The touchscreen is already working well. Next comes access to the patch files on the DS card. The patch files contain the samples that are loaded into the 16MB PSRAM on the Teensy and the...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to Rolfdegen's post in the thread New polyhonic Teensy DIY Sampler with Like Like.
      Link to my old Version of Degenerator: Youtube:
    • TomChiron
      Coming soon: VoiceMixer, based on the stock 4 channel mixer, but with following changes: 8 input mono channels for oscillator outputs all mixed into stereo output each channel has gain and panorama controls. One mixer instead of 3 for an 8...
    • TomChiron
      4ms attack and 2ms releaseNoteOn seem quite short and quick. Have you tried longer times, e.g. 20ms or so? Are you planning to make the envelope settings a parameter you can change? You could start to control it via MIDI to play around with it.
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to BillFM's post in the thread shorted or dead audio adapter with Like Like.
      I suggest you take a look at the audio adaptor schematic <here>. Yes..., wrong terminology. There is a 3.5mm (1/8") stereo headphone jack. Only a headphone can be plugged into this jack. This jack uses a virtual ground (DC voltage) sourced by...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
      New library update: added stereo IR Cabinet Emulator with IRs loaded from an SD card (developed for the above T-CAB pedal) added html editor:
    • TomChiron
      There is a note in the documentation (you can see that in the GUI designer) about an upper limit of 400Hz and besides more information a link to this thread:
    • TomChiron
      I understood your post and was reading: 1) powering the Teensy from the buck converter -> noise during SD playback 2) powering the Teensy from Laptop-USB -> no problmes with noise during SD playback which brings up the question if the buck...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Teensy joystick issues..
      Have you compared to a potentiometer, 10k or so (connected to ground and 3.3V, middle pin to analog in), to check if the code is fine? Then you could compare and check if the wiring of the board you are is the way it should be.
    • TomChiron
      Could the noise come from the buck converter? Have you tried a 5V powerbank for the Teensy just for comparison?
    • TomChiron
      Hi there, Here is my latest project that I wanted to share : the minichord! For the full documentation of this fully open source project, first the Github (, then the website...
    • TomChiron
      About instantaneous frequency: I was working with it several years ago and only vaguely remember the details. I think in theory it works only under the assumption that you have one frequency component, i.e. one sine signal to analyse. Not sure...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread MIDI loosing connection.
      Thanks for the useful information. That can be very helpful for others. Glad you could solve it!
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to norbert's post in the thread MIDI loosing connection with Like Like.
      Thanks for all your replies!! That really helped. And I think i found the solution: It had to do with the automatic windows maintenance function. I had to deactivate it through the registry (here is what i did, sorry, in german...
    • TomChiron
      Not sure if this helps or is really applicable here but you could look for other ways than FFT to measure / estimate a frequency, e.g. instantaneous frequency or counting zero crossings. With certain restrains such ways can be much faster (work...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron reacted to MrCanvas's post in the thread SidMaster 2k, updated with Like Like.
      As this part of the forum isn't that busy, I'll post an update. Inspired by PositionHigh and other legends I made a remote UI application using webSerial. This was actually very easy since I already have a "display module" that communicates with...
    • TomChiron
      Lets talk calibration now that I slept. 6-point Calibration: Back in 2018 while experimenting with using @brtaylor's uNav INS code @Don Kelly developed a 6 point cal tool for the MPU-9250 which he updated in following posts. I have since...
    • TomChiron
      Lately been trying to consolidate/organize my IMU efforts and decided to grab a couple of new sensors that are used on the Nano Sense V2, the BMI270/BMM150 specifically. For reference Sparkfun has a BMI270 sensor and Waveshare has a BMM150...
    • TomChiron
      Great, thank you, will definitely try it all!
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Unison in teensy?.
      Yes, unison is usually (always?) the addition = mix of the same waveform with a slight detune. In some synthesizers there is also a stereo-spread with a different panorama setting for each oscillator. You can simply mix as much oscillators as...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread MIDI loosing connection.
      No clear idea, but I would check: - make 100% sure that the Teensy is still running as intended and this is not a software problem on the Teensy (I read your words that this is an assumption; so add a display or an LED or whatever to the Teensy)...
    • TomChiron
      Thank you all. After trying using Bluetooth speaker with my current gear I came to realise that the latency is more than I expected, so I will probably just do without the Bluetooth output. At this point I may probably consider getting just a...
    • TomChiron
      I am not aware of a simple way to build a 4 channel output USB to bluetooth sound interface. I don't see that a Teensy is really making things easier here. As I was trying to say: - You would have to find a solution to make the Teensy a 4 channel...
    • TomChiron
      Not sure if I understand your setup. Why exactly is bluetooth needed here? You have your controller in front of your laptop and need one stereo-output as main-output of the the audio software plus a second stereo output to listen over your...
    • TomChiron
      TomChiron replied to the thread Filter acceleration signal.
      If you have a code in Python which works for your needs than have a look at that and see what is different there? From where is all that code coming? I would have assumed that the accuracy you get from such a adxl sensor board is not sufficient...
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