OK, here's a "preview" - Please report bugs, and not working PRG-Files!
(And it would be great if you report _working_ files too)
It is set to emulate a
(="Never The Same Color" ;-) files will have problems if they are timing-sensitive)
Pin-Numbers are:
#define SCK 14
#define MISO 12
#define MOSI 28
#define TFT_TOUCH_CS 24
#define TFT_TOUCH_INT 3
#define TFT_DC 21
#define TFT_CS 15
#define TFT_RST 255 // 255 = unused, connected to 3.3V
#define TFT_SCLK SCK
Use short and reliable connections: The SPI-Clock is 60MHz!
Touch is not used.
Sound-Output is on DAC0 and DAC1 (but, of course, mono). Use a good speaker ! It would by a shame to use a tiny cheap one..
Don't connect other pins.
Special Keys:
"NUM" switches the Joystick-emulation (watch the serial monitor)
Joystick is on the keys 1-9 on the numerical keypad, "fire" is on "alt gr" right
"RUN/STOP" is esc
"Commodore" is the left windows-key
"Restore" is "print"
I added a quick&dirty "hack" that allows to use the command
(8 characters+extension)
The C64 supports way more than 8 characters (yes, it was in the 80's!), but the sd.h lib supports only 8... :-(
Create a directory "C64" on the SD-Card, and copy the PRG into the new directory.
Type LOAD "DELIRI.PRG",8,1 on the keyboard or into the serial monitor.
(loading is very fast. DELIRI.PRG is included in the download)
"DELIRI" wants some keystrokes, so please connect an USB-keyboard.
Please keep in mind, that this is a very early version, and bugs are possible 
Some files will _not_work.
(especially all which want to access the floppydisk)
Or try some programs in BASIC.
20 GOTO 10
Perhaps you can find some useful things if you ask google for "planet emu" or something like that..