Final Cartridge 3 on c64 could also run a desktop with movabe cursor and had tools as calculator notepad etc.
And only run on 64k memory.
Thank you manicksan! I am amazed by the resourcefulness of early computers. I found from the Final Cartridge 3 wikipedia article, "Unless RUN/STOP key was held down during power-on or reset, the cartridge presented a graphical WIMP desktop."
"Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointer"
"Though the acronym has fallen into disuse, it has often been likened to the term graphical user interface (GUI). Any interface that uses graphics can be called a GUI, and WIMP systems derive from such systems. However, while all WIMP systems use graphics as a key element (the icon and pointer elements), and therefore are GUIs, the reverse is not true. Some GUIs are not based in windows, icons, menus, and pointers.
For example, most mobile phones represent actions as icons and menus, but do not often don't rely on a conventional pointer or containerized windows to host program interactions.[citation needed]"
I spent over a month on various RTOS and linux forums trying to explain I want "linux with a GUI", even saying I want a "linux with userspace", but windows, icons, menu, pointer" (WIMP) is far more precise.
The ironic thing about this is that many microcontrollers have much more RAM today than 64k, and it is often viewed that running apps with windows and tiles would somehow be more limiting than a non-WIMP GUI. But I think of this like the glass half empty/half full. The microcontroller can't run a full Ubuntu or Raspbian Lite. But what is gained from having a windows, icons, menus and pointers? Granularity of control over apps.
I feel like I am asking someone that I want to fly somewhere(anywhere) and someone tell me, "Sorry, there aren't any flights available to the moon right now."
There's another aspect to this, which I won't deny.
Some human–computer interaction researchers consider WIMP to be ill-suited for multiple applications, especially those requiring precise human input or more than three dimensions of input.[9] Drawing and writing are example of these limitations; a traditional pointer is limited by two dimensions, and consequently doesn't account for the pressure applied when using a physical writing utility. Pressure sensitive graphics tablets are often used to overcome this limitation.[10]"
Another issue with WIMP-style user interfaces is that many implementations put users with disabilities at a disadvantage. For example, visually impaired users may have difficulty using applications when alternative text-based interfaces are not made available. People with motor impairments, such as Parkinson's disease, may not be able to navigate devices precisely using the traditional mouse pointer for input. To overcome these barriers, researchers continue to explore ways to make modern computer systems more accessible.[11] Recent developments in artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, have opened new doors for accessibility in technology, or assistive technology.[12][13]"
This makes wonderful sense. I agree with this 100%. But it doesn't mean I want to get rid of it. I think mobile phones have in a way almost given rise to the abandonment of desktop window development. I view touchscreens/haptic technologies as an additive feature, rather than a feature that should subtract other features like WIMP. Mobile phones become useless when the touchscreen fails, leading to e-waste. Which isn't to say that they can't be fixed, but who bothers? It would be more environmental to reuse hardware made for phones and allow it to be compatible with a laptop chassis so that a standardized mobile motherboard can be reused, if someone doesn't want to use the phone's broken case anymore. This phonemaker uses a reusable chassis:
Phones are far more powerful than many decade-old laptops, so they could also be repurposed as productivity devices like a lightweight laptop: Some phones have the option to allow a keyboard to be added via bluetooth. A mouse may not be as useful, since navigating to different screens might require scrolling to the end of the screen and it might require some input to indicate window switching. Many RTOS like the M5Stack have many IoT features. It would be very practical to be able to navigate the apps in a way that doesn't depend on the touch screen. Something like FLTK would be lightweight but also slightly more RAM intensive, maybe 2-4MB of RAM might be needed.
But back to my solar laptop idea, using microcontroller may seem be limiting if one is looking at microprocessors from the outside in, but having enough RAM- some microcontrollers have 384kB and up to 2MB RAM in some cases- The Ambiq Apollo 4, for example. Considering Windows 1.0 ran on 1MB of RAM, it was used for Office/business productivity at one time. It would be interesting to see what kind of applications could run. I remember a term in the 1990s, "
"Multimedia capabilities were not common on IBM PC compatibles until the advent of Windows 3.0 and the MPC standards in the early 1990s. The original PCs were devised as "serious" business machines and colorful graphics and powerful sound abilities weren't a priority. "
The term multimedia is taken for granted. Every PC today is multimedia. I admit it is still is asking a lot to expect a microcontroller to do multimedia, but multimedia isn't necessarily what an IBM or early Windows OS necessarily sought to do. They were marketed towards accountants and memo writers. Which isn't to say I want to do my taxes on Excel 1.0 lol.
But I think it would still be a positive improvement- an addition, rather than a subtraction. In this way, the
added feature would be that it wouldn't require a DC, USB-C or micro-USB charger, if it could be powered by indoor light, like a TI-30Xa. It would be subtractive if I removed the USB/DC charger altogether. A hybrid represents options.
The flexibility of having multiple apps, via flash or external storage, would increase the versatility of the device. I found this AVR microcontroller running
Contiki: Pretty interesting!
Thanks for your time!