On my Teensy 4.1 I´m using Paul´s LITTLEFS Library. For a smaller Project with WiFi im now want to use a external Flash on an ESP32. Is it possible to use this Library there?
LittleFS as included was customized to Teensy usage (hardware pin access interface to storage media) from a common source at some version ##.
Using the same source for one that supports ESP32 should find the storage format the same as IIRC no changes were made in the low level layout and storage on the media.
So external Flash formatted and used with Teensy seems it should be usable for read/write with same version for storage structure.
From:: ...\teensy\hardware\avr\1.58.1\libraries\LittleFS\src\littlefs\lfs.h:
/// Version info ///
// Software library version
// Major (top-nibble), incremented on backwards incompatible changes
// Minor (bottom-nibble), incremented on feature additions
#define LFS_VERSION 0x00020004
The integrated to ESP32 version of LittleFS seems to be using the same on media format/features with the same minor/major LFS_VERSION. So for media (external SPI chips?) that can move between systems ideally it should be compatible.