Serial_install not working

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I had to start from scratch with all my dev stuff as I had my laptop liberated. Now I am having all kinds of issues that was never a problem before.
My USB Serial port is not recognized when I plug my Teensy3.0 in. I then tried to oload the drivers with the serial_install program but that gives the attached error. All the other serial configs work with the Teensy3.0, just the USB Serial is broken.

Oh and I am using Windows 8.0 now :(


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Correct. It only allows unsigned driver install for that 1 boot. As soon as you reboot normally, you're back to the normal settings that don't permit unsigned driver install.
OK that sorted it out. Now the question is why did I loose it in the first place? Did I do something stupid somewhere?
Yes, what Michael said.

The udev rules are needed because the default for unknown devices is root-only permission. The Gnome Modem Manager also needs to be told to leave Teensy alone, so even if you run everything as root, you still need the udev rules.
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