Teensy 4.1 Bootloader MCU Question


New member

Does any folks here know why the team at PJRC chose an mkl02 for the bootloader IC to program the IMX, instead of an STM32 maybe - with better specs and in a smaller/similar package, is it purely because the MKL02 is by NXP, or does the imx require some special things within the MKL02?

Thanks :)
PJRC seems to prefer sticking to NXP product family where possible - bootloader used selected does all that is needed - mcu used has evolved over time as needed. As long as nxp delivers them those seem to be the chip of choice ...
Thanks for your reply

Also may I ask what the bootloader exactly does, does it just initialize the IMX and flash etc, then add some code into the IMX thru JTAG, to get it to work thru the micro b (USB CDC), for programming with the teensy.exe?

Thanks for your reply

Also may I ask what the bootloader exactly does, does it just initialize the IMX and flash etc, then add some code into the IMX thru JTAG, to get it to work thru the micro b (USB CDC), for programming with the teensy.exe?


The full technical info on how the MKL02 is applied & everything that it does as an integral component in the T4.x is available <here>.

Mark J Culross