Senior Member+
@mnissov - will go back to the necro thread linked above if I update the PPS/intervalTimer code. It won't be any good for microsPPS() unless the PPS is reliable - or deals with misses. With an RTC versus GPS it should be - but should have detect/fallback.
> Not sure any of this helped the issue at hand ... does the problem still exist? Was PJRC's intervalTimer libraries used just in case the anomaly is with the teensytimertool?
@BriComp - filled out the RV-3028-C7 sample request form - auto reply email suggests sending ASAP. Paged through the posted materials and didn't see a typical circuit.
@manitou - Sitting in a windowsill against the fiberglass frame - with tall trees outside and a generous roof overhang - far from ideal with minimal clear view of the sky - but this third GPS also does get a decent lock it seems - mostly. Though from running data it appears the PPS does drop, and the code as written does not tolerate/account for that very well.
HVAC is a woodstove so room runs from 70 to 80+ degrees - though the half blocked window sill is at 66 degrees F. I see the adjustment timer micros going from 999,998 to 999,994 where the x98 has +1.? us err and the x94 has a -1.? us err. But when running at 0.11 us measured err it is 999,996:
After that apparent missed PPS pushed it up to x98 then another ended with it down to x94 - and neither correcting back to that and goes stable at the +/- 1.5 us error - until the next PPS fail?
> Not sure any of this helped the issue at hand ... does the problem still exist? Was PJRC's intervalTimer libraries used just in case the anomaly is with the teensytimertool?
@BriComp - filled out the RV-3028-C7 sample request form - auto reply email suggests sending ASAP. Paged through the posted materials and didn't see a typical circuit.
@manitou - Sitting in a windowsill against the fiberglass frame - with tall trees outside and a generous roof overhang - far from ideal with minimal clear view of the sky - but this third GPS also does get a decent lock it seems - mostly. Though from running data it appears the PPS does drop, and the code as written does not tolerate/account for that very well.
HVAC is a woodstove so room runs from 70 to 80+ degrees - though the half blocked window sill is at 66 degrees F. I see the adjustment timer micros going from 999,998 to 999,994 where the x98 has +1.? us err and the x94 has a -1.? us err. But when running at 0.11 us measured err it is 999,996:
us 3899795148 cyc diff -65 err=-0.11 us Mn= -80 Mx= 59 P= 999996.56