Hi Guys,
I'm seeing this with platformIO and the Arduino ide.
I am seeing the issue with hurts ILI9341_t3n library but am pretty sure this is not causing this, I have seen other similar issues on the internet with different libs.
If I take the following code:
If compiled with -O1, -O2 or -O3 then after flashing the teensy starts up and we see the log messages.
When compiled with -Og or -O0 then the teensy does not start up, the serial port is not there and to re-flash it you need to press the button.
Kurt told me to define PRINT_DEBUG_STUFF and look at the uart4 output.
With -O1, -O2 and -O3 I see:
With -Og, -O0 I see no output at all, totally dead.
Has anyone got any ideas of what might be going wrong here?
Many thanks
I'm seeing this with platformIO and the Arduino ide.
I am seeing the issue with hurts ILI9341_t3n library but am pretty sure this is not causing this, I have seen other similar issues on the internet with different libs.
If I take the following code:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ILI9341_t3n.h>
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10
ILI9341_t3n tft = ILI9341_t3n(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);
void setup()
tft.begin(); // Remove this and it starts fine
void loop()
If compiled with -O1, -O2 or -O3 then after flashing the teensy starts up and we see the log messages.
When compiled with -Og or -O0 then the teensy does not start up, the serial port is not there and to re-flash it you need to press the button.
Kurt told me to define PRINT_DEBUG_STUFF and look at the uart4 output.
With -O1, -O2 and -O3 I see:
***********IMXRT Startup**********
test 1 -1234567 3
enable USB clocks
Increasing voltage to 1250 mV
need to switch to alternate clock during reconfigure of ARM PLL
USB PLL is running, so we can use 120 MHz
Freq: 12 MHz * 100 / 2 / 1
ARM PLL=80002042
ARM PLL needs reconfigure
ARM PLL=80002064
New Frequency: ARM=600000000, IPG=150000000
USB reset took 6 loops
rx queue i=0
rx queue i=1
rx queue i=2
rx queue i=3
rx queue i=4
rx queue i=5
rx queue i=6
rx queue i=7
With -Og, -O0 I see no output at all, totally dead.
Has anyone got any ideas of what might be going wrong here?
Many thanks