Can't wait for this!
Love the idea of longer board with more connections and if the board itself is more powerful, it is a more than welcome feature!
My main interest would be in connectivity; so if there is extra space, I would LOVE to see some sort of wireless communication on the board; like Bluetooth or Wifi; SD card would be nice too, altho for the application that I have in mind, I would benefit more from a quick and reliable wireless connection, compared to a bunch of storage on the board itself.
Another nice thing that I feel it is missing, is a way to connect to 3.3V sensor, without having to do a voltage divider with resistors. If there was a way to select the output voltage on the pins between 5V and 3.3V, it would be so much easier to hook up a lots of sensor!
Another item on the wish list is an extra I2C channel (or 2), and also a multiplexer on board; so I don't have to use an external one, if I want to hook up more sensors of the same time to the board.
Last but not least: a LiPo charger, to use batteries and recharge them without the need to take them out.
I know that most of these are not possible, not planned or does not interest the majority; but I thought that it may be useful to put them as "wish list" in case there is any future plan.
Price is not a problem, if I can save hassle to connect multiple boards to get what I need, and mostly space; I am fine to pay more.
Besides my BeagleBone Black, this is my favorite board, but if you start to stack multiple boards to the Teensy, then the advantage start to fade (and I understand that maybe it was not made with certain kind of uses in mind, so it could be me having too many expectations).
Can't wait to see the new board
Love the idea of longer board with more connections and if the board itself is more powerful, it is a more than welcome feature!
My main interest would be in connectivity; so if there is extra space, I would LOVE to see some sort of wireless communication on the board; like Bluetooth or Wifi; SD card would be nice too, altho for the application that I have in mind, I would benefit more from a quick and reliable wireless connection, compared to a bunch of storage on the board itself.
Another nice thing that I feel it is missing, is a way to connect to 3.3V sensor, without having to do a voltage divider with resistors. If there was a way to select the output voltage on the pins between 5V and 3.3V, it would be so much easier to hook up a lots of sensor!
Another item on the wish list is an extra I2C channel (or 2), and also a multiplexer on board; so I don't have to use an external one, if I want to hook up more sensors of the same time to the board.
Last but not least: a LiPo charger, to use batteries and recharge them without the need to take them out.
I know that most of these are not possible, not planned or does not interest the majority; but I thought that it may be useful to put them as "wish list" in case there is any future plan.
Price is not a problem, if I can save hassle to connect multiple boards to get what I need, and mostly space; I am fine to pay more.
Besides my BeagleBone Black, this is my favorite board, but if you start to stack multiple boards to the Teensy, then the advantage start to fade (and I understand that maybe it was not made with certain kind of uses in mind, so it could be me having too many expectations).
Can't wait to see the new board