Hi! I'm trying to make a small MIDI keyboard, using a Teensy 4.1 to read 48 Hall effect sensors via 3 multiplexers. I attached a PDF image of my schematic (the full KiCad project is at https://github.com/DumpsterDoofus/keyboard_accordion). Could someone point out mistakes they see in the PDF? I am totally new to designing schematics. Some starting questions:
- Are the Teensy pins connected to power correctly? At the bottom, I connected one GND and one +3.3V pin, but there's several other pins labelled "GND", "3V3", or "5V" that I didn't know if/how I should connect.
- With this design, will all components be powered by the Teensy USB connection?
- Someday I want to increase the number of keys from 48 to 192. Does this seem possible? I'd need 192/16 = 12 multiplexers connected to the Teensy 4.1, and the PJRC website says 4.1 has 18 analog inputs which seems like enough.