Help needed: 'processSerialEventsList' is not a member of 'HardwareSerial'

The code is there - something keeping it from being found?

Suppose that Teensy3 board properly selected? What version of TeensyDuino is in use?

Need to show Verbose console output of the errors please.

Replaced HardwareSerial with HardwareSerialIMXRT, now getting these errors that weren't there before. There seems to be definition conflicts in core_pins for MSBFIRST and LSBFIRST. Update: The errors are all solved when I use version 1.58 of teensyduino but not the recent version 1.59.....?
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Teensyduino comes with its own ILI9341 library but you seem to be using one from Adafruit.
Were there any specific changes in 1.59 from 1.58 that would lead to conflicts? It seems like using Adafruit library was fine before, I'm not sure what changed in teensyduino though
Were there any specific changes in 1.59 from 1.58 that would lead to conflicts? It seems like using Adafruit library was fine before, I'm not sure what changed in teensyduino though
I believe it was during that release cycle, that @PaulStoffregen changed the HardwareSerial class to be more an abstract class and added
the HardwarerialIMXRT class as the implemention for Uarts. This allowed him to change the FlexIO Serial objects to be derived from HardwareSerial, as to allow these objects to more easily be used...

I believe this was the initial Commit:

And it was show to be in that release:
Yup, that's exactly what happened.

I really should have put more functions into the new HardwareSerial base class. Will probably add some for 1.60.

But stuff like processSerialEventsList isn't considered official API. In hindsight, those sorts of functions probably should have been private or protected. However, the code has been published for years with stuff meant to be internal details as public, which means people can and do call them. For the forseeable future, using HardwarSeriaIMXRT should work. Seems pretty unlikely we'll ever make those functions private, now that they've been public for so long.