Integrate Teensy 4.1 design on custom PCB

Dear Paul,
I've replaced the Flash ("M") and it fixed the problem, now it works!! Thank you.
Now I found another issue that not all I/O pins are working (26,27,33,48,51,53,55)
I checked it on Teensy 4.1 and here only 3 pins (48,51,53) not functioning
the code:
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 61; i++) {
digitalWrite (i, (tgl));
Serial.print(i); Serial.print("************* "); Serial.println(tgl);
// delay(5);

do you have any ideas?
Is that the whole program? I don't see a setup() function. This is important, because pinMode() needs to be used to put the pins into OUTPUT mode. If pinMode() isn't used, results will be unpredictable. Some pins may work, others may not. Only reliable if pinMode() used to configure the pins.
Hi Paul,
Now, I have only 2 pins 26,27 that are nor responding (possibly something on my PCB)
this is the whole one:

int Trev=1; char Tdate[12]= "2022-12-14";
int iiccount=0;int ts_prev=millis();
int led_ts_last=0;
int tgl=0;
void setup() {
Serial.printf("**** SETUP , Test Rev.%d Date %s ***********\n",Trev,Tdate);
Serial.print(iiccount,DEC); Serial.println (" cycles");
for (int i = 0; i <= 61; i++) {
pinMode (i, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(i,LOW);Serial.print(i);
} // end of setup
// Start Main Loop //
void loop() {
// leds[0] = CRGB ( iiccount/10*3,255-iiccount/10, iiccount/10*1);; delay(100);
Serial.printf("***** LOOP Test Rev.%d Date %s ***********\n",Trev,Tdate);
Serial.print(" Cycle: ");Serial.println(iiccount,DEC);
for (int i = 0; i <= 61; i++) {
digitalWrite (i, (tgl));
Serial.print(i); Serial.print("************* "); Serial.println(tgl);
// End Main Loop //

Hi all,
I have been developing a product for outdoor applications. Naturally, the ambient temperature might drop below 0C and below -10C.
I want to replace the DVL chip with the CVL one in my DIY teensy. From your experience so far, has everything worked well? Including the EHEX option?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
From your experience so far, has everything worked well?

Yes, at least a few people have reported success using these chips together with the IC_MKL02Z32_T4_QFN16 (bootloader chip sold by PJRC for DIY circuit boards). On that page, scroll down to "Supported Chips" and look for the link to the forum thread,

Including the EHEX option?

Yes. Also on that page, scroll down to "Code Security". TL;DR = DIY boards made with IC_MKL02Z32_T4_QFN16 bootloader chips are lockable by default. Works with EHEX the same as lockable Teensy, of course after you've written your key into fuse memory and locked it into secure mode.

If you want the same as standard Teensy (never lockable), you can get that by running the small programs shown under "Disabling Boot Configuration Changes".
We are using MIMXRT1062CVL5B for over one and half year. Over 50 PCB with this chip. We never had any problem with them.
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Thank you. That's what I needed to hear. In my next batch, I'll assemble it instead of the MIMXRT1062DVL6B.
All the 32MB SDRAM boards made by @Dogbone06 used that chip as well - some couple dozen across the DevBoard versions 4, 4.5, and 5.0 - and any others before and since as that was his bulk buy. They were assembled with 16MB Flash so they appear as a Teensy_MicroMod.
I've made hundreds of other boards, work flawlessly.

I can tell you this: IMXRT1062DV*6B or IMXRT1062DV*6A - Work fine, I've tested both with the bootloaders from PJRC.
The 5's work as well. Note that the 5's are industrial, and more expensive. I'd stick with the 6's for ordinary use.
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I got it; thanks for the feedback. I use the 6's, and they work well.
It is just about the temperature range. I need to cover the lower temperatures. I have tried to lower the frequency of the 6's to 520MHz and use it below -10C. Most of the time, it works fine. Accutionaly, it fails.
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One lesson learned with the 5's was used at rated MHz they are fine.

They will run faster but it seemed the rate of voltage increase needed to go faster had to be enhanced to be stable. Normally choosing the '5' part means the lower rate is used. Though when testing (by outside group) it wasn't understood the '5' part was in use and the default '6' base speed of 600 MHz was used fine for the most part - but then some new development showed instability. Seems that should be on an SDRAM thread?
One lesson learned with the 5's was used at rated MHz they are fine.

They will run faster but it seemed the rate of voltage increase needed to go faster had to be enhanced to be stable. Normally choosing the '5' part means the lower rate is used. Though when testing (by outside group) it wasn't understood the '5' part was in use and the default '6' base speed of 600 MHz was used fine for the most part - but then some new development showed instability. Seems that should be on an SDRAM thread?
Yep, the 5's need more voltage. I've tried a 5 at 816MHz and at that frequency it wanted 1.325V to function and not crash. Did not try for extended period but it seemed stable.

Simply increase a little when going above 528MHz, say 0.25V at the time or even less. Of course at your own risk.