Problemes with DIY Teensy 4.1


Hello every one , i am working on a DIY teensy 4.1 , i took the U2 : GD32E230F8V6 from an old teensy 4.1 that was fonctionel , but when i connect it i get this behaviour :
* the LED blinks 10 times then stop for a 4 seconds and repeat the cycle
* when i click program button the get the image of the micro controller in the programming tool ,
* when i connect the board the pc makes a sound and i see a new HID compliant vendor defined device showing .

does that mean my micro controller is broken ?

Can any one guide me please? thanks


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This won't work. The U2 chip on a regular Teensy 4.1 is already pair with the U1 chip. It won't work with a different U1 chip.
thanks but its just sad , is there a way around this? and when does the pairing happen? is it the first time U1 talk to U2? do i need a fresh U2 to make it work?
My bad , i read that MKl02 must be paired , but i didnt think that if i put it in a knew system it will not repaire automaticaly .
So basicaly the U2 is one time use , what will happend if i had to change the flash at some point , does that mean i have to get a new U2?
Flash memory is not fused, so it can be replaced.
But the RT1062 and the MKL02 are fused together the first time they both power up.
since i connected an already paired U2 to the system , does that mean that U1 didnt get paired?
I want to know if i can still use the boards if i manage to get brand new U2 .
thanks guys
You have to order the boot loader from PJRC. It has custom code on it that allows the 1062 to work with Arduino/Teensyduino.

A fresh boot loader should work on an unpaired 1062.
@PaulStoffregen can confirm
@PaulStoffregen i have a dum question , lets say i fried U2 at some point , if i use a brand new U2 will it pair with U1 ( that was already paired before ) or i just have to get a new board if that happend?
The U2 chip that comes soldered to Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 is never meant to be used on a DIY circuit board. The T4 bootloader chip (IC_MKL02Z32_T4_QFN16) is meant for that DIY purpose.

If you desolder U2 from Teensy 4.1 and attempt to use it on a DIY circuit board, the behavior is undefined. It might work in some limited ways, but may not work. It may fail unexpectedly. It could literally do anything. Different U2 chips from different Teensy 4.1 boards might do different things, and chips taken from future Teensy 4.1 might behave in other ways. This is the nature of "undefined".
Replying based on your other thread about JTAG programming a custom board.

Tie MOD / AD_B0_08 to GND for programming and debugging. High is for boundary scan mode.
The easiest way to test would be to write a program in Arduino IDE and enable verbose output during compilation. Click on verify or upload to compile. You should see a path similar to this where your HEX file is. "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_239928".
Assuming your device supports it, download the Segger J-Link suite, run J-Flash Lite, select your chip then the HEX file and click program.
Also take care that BOOT_MODE0 / GPIO_AD_B0_04 is low during start up. If it is high, your code will not run. If you write a bad program, power up the Teensy with this pin high to stay in the NXP flash loader, flash your program, then power cycle with it low.
Replying based on your other thread about JTAG programming a custom board.

Tie MOD / AD_B0_08 to GND for programming and debugging. High is for boundary scan mode.
The easiest way to test would be to write a program in Arduino IDE and enable verbose output during compilation. Click on verify or upload to compile. You should see a path similar to this where your HEX file is. "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_239928".
Assuming your device supports it, download the Segger J-Link suite, run J-Flash Lite, select your chip then the HEX file and click program.
Also take care that BOOT_MODE0 / GPIO_AD_B0_04 is low during start up. If it is high, your code will not run. If you write a bad program, power up the Teensy with this pin high to stay in the NXP flash loader, flash your program, then power cycle with it low.
thanks you so muucch i will just do that and update you
The U2 chip that comes soldered to Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 is never meant to be used on a DIY circuit board. The T4 bootloader chip (IC_MKL02Z32_T4_QFN16) is meant for that DIY purpose.

If you desolder U2 from Teensy 4.1 and attempt to use it on a DIY circuit board, the behavior is undefined. It might work in some limited ways, but may not work. It may fail unexpectedly. It could literally do anything. Different U2 chips from different Teensy 4.1 boards might do different things, and chips taken from future Teensy 4.1 might behave in other ways. This is the nature of "undefined".
what will happen if i desoldered U2 from a teensy and put in its place one that is meant for DIY , since U1 was already paired , will it pair again or will the system fail?