Teensyduino 1.35 Beta #1 (for Arduino 1.8.1)

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I usually skip betas. When Paul says it adds support for an Arduino version bump does that mean the older versions of Teensyduino won't work with the latest Arduino?
I'll just wait. 1.34/1.8.1 work fine for me.

oops 1.34/1.8.0 is what I meant.
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does that mean the older versions of Teensyduino won't work with the latest Arduino?

That's right. Every Teensyduino installer supports only specific versions of Arduino. You can see the list of supported versions on the first intro page of the installer (which very few people actually read) or in a footnote on the web page right below the download links (which even fewer people read). The supported versions are also shown in the help dialog by the "?" button beside the disabled "Next" button. Maybe some people actually read that.

When Arduino releases a new version, I usually publish a new beta within a day or two. I believe this time the lag was under 8 hours. Typically there's a 1 week period where lots of small fixes are merged. At this moment I'm working on an improvement to the installer to actually make sure a Teensy board is selected in Tools > Boards. That's been a low priority to-do item for ages. Going to start looking at several issues reported over the last few weeks, and several pull requests pending on github. Usually I publish a 2nd beta after merging stuff, and a 3rd and even 4th if problems turn up. My goal is to get a new non-beta version released after 10 to 15 days. Often when Arduino makes another release quickly due to severe bugs (like what happened with 1.6.2 and others), this usually allows enough time to support it too.

So now, between the 1st and 2nd beta is the best time to remind me about issues or pending pull requests.....
FWIW, Arduino 1.8.1 fixes problems that don't impact Teensy. The main ones were a bad regression in the SD library (Teensyduino has its own SD lib, so Teensy isn't impacted) and problems with expired signatures on the Windows drivers they install (for non-Teensy boards).

If you're using SD cards with non-Teensy boards, you definitely want to upgrade to 1.8.1, or stay on 1.6.*. The driver issues only matter for first-time installation, only for a few of the Arduino boards (I believe some of the Arduino.org ones), and only on Windows.
So now, between the 1st and 2nd beta is the best time to remind me about issues or pending pull requests.....
Possible PR to pull in:

SPI: SPI.Transfer(buf, cnt) speedup - uses queue and uses PUSHR_CONT flag to speed up multi-byte transfers (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/SPI/pull/23)

Wire library: Supports Wire1 on most T3.x boards, Wire2 on T3.5/6 and Wire3 on T3.6. I do this through creating a base class (TwoWire) and all of the objects are subclasses. This should make them compatible with some libraries that were modified for Arduino Due or maybe some of their newer M0 boards, which you to pass in Pointer or Reference to Wire object. Note: at least with the Due I noticed they have only one class and do the differences within the different members like begin/end... Could modify to do the same. Also currently I am using malloc to allocate main data structure as to not allocate about 80 bytes for each of these objects. I thought that might be important for boards like T-LC... But again could undo that as Serail1/Serial2... all have their static buffers... (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Wire/pull/3)

ILI9341_t3 (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/ILI9341_t3/pull/41): Merged in some of the stuff I have in my ili9341_t3n library - A lot of this originated with some of the changes done by Blackketter did in the PR (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/ILI9341_t3/pull/13). In particular he added the ability to set a clip rectangle as well as a drawing origin. So I merged those into my version and tried them out and then extended them to several of the other APIs that were not covered, like some of the writeRect functions, which was more fun...

Also merged/reworked the drawFontChar code to handle Opaque - The code in PR#13, did this by adding calls to fill rect... My version does it in a similar way that drawText does with Opaque with the system font...

I believe this also pulled in some other PRs of fixing gradient fill.

Also random merge in from my library that allows the library to work with fewer Hardware SPI pins. That is will work with only 1 hardware CS pin (DC). Was needed in my library to work with SPI1 on T3.6. Also does not fail if not valid MISO pin, just disables some of the input functions... Probably not needed, but added in my library when I was doing lots of hardware testing and wondered why the program just hung

Again not sure how much if any of the ILI9341_t3 changes you want in the main library. And/or - If you wish for me to somehow add the bigger change of my library that supports the different SPI busses. Currently I do in my library using my other library SPIN
Arduino.org were at 1.7.x. Now that they and Arduino.cc are reunited they bumped the revision number enough to be high enough to be a newer looking number than either company/organization used.

Oct 1, 2016 - Two Arduinos become one. Arduino, the world's leading open-source ecosystem for educators, Makers and IoT developers of all ages, today announced that Arduino LLC (aka Arduino.cc) and Arduino srl (aka Arduino.org) have settled their differences and signed a settlement agreement.
Arduino.org were at 1.7.x. Now that they and Arduino.cc are reunited they bumped the revision number enough to be high enough to be a newer looking number than either company/organization used.

Oct 1, 2016 - Two Arduinos become one. Arduino, the world's leading open-source ecosystem for educators, Makers and IoT developers of all ages, today announced that Arduino LLC (aka Arduino.cc) and Arduino srl (aka Arduino.org) have settled their differences and signed a settlement agreement.
What the heck, all the nonsens, now they came to mind
I personally talked with Massimo Banzi (of Arduino.cc) and Kathy Giori and others (of Arduino.org) at New York Maker Faire when this was announced.

Oct 1, 2016 - Two Arduinos become one .... today announced that Arduino LLC (aka Arduino.cc) and Arduino srl (aka Arduino.org) have settled their differences and signed a settlement agreement.

The "become one" language appears to have come from journalists and blogs. Unless something has changed recently, my understanding is they will remain separate companies. Even though the Arduino.org folks were eager to portray the matter as fully settled (they do seem to be much better at media relations), apparently the agreement signed at the time was the first in a series of several. The fact that we're seeing the software unified 3 months later probably means more of the agreements are moving forward.
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