test thread

I even got the reply notification email. :)

Still a little concerned we don't have as much anti-spam stuff in place as with vBulletin, but maybe time to go live and deal with it if needed?

edit here (can I edit my message)
Checking if I can insert an image in this message


and is it any easier than the old vBulletin way? (clicked and opened the file - didn't try drag and drop yet)
ugh, looks like this new server's IP number is on hotmail's blocking list (I'm seeing the notifications it's trying to send get bounced by hotmail's server)
Not seeing email from your entry. I can't edit other messages ...

I can drag and drop your image here
And I can Cut>> PASTE images it seems
replying with my freshly made test account... can it use pictures too?

looks like just ctrl-v to paste from clipboard works to post an image.... should dumped vBulletin long ago!
Yes ctrl+v paste --- the IP alone gives this just now:

Image can be resized too - much better than screen snip and save and upload!

When I turned off the HOSTS edit it is now seeing the Old IP (?) respond - versus the one provided:
C:\Windows\System32>ping forum.pjrc.com
Pinging forum.pjrc.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Looking yesterday it was failing to ping respond?
Three servers in play here - old forum server - hardware died, filesystem corrupted, remote console running memtest86 shows memory went bad - main PJRC server - Monday night I always set forum.pjrc.com to resolve here so I could put up the fail page with cats - new server - officially isn't yet resolving to any name.pjrc.com which is why you have to edit hosts file to access
Three servers in play here - old forum server - hardware died, filesystem corrupted, remote console running memtest86 shows memory went bad - main PJRC server - Monday night I always set forum.pjrc.com to resolve here so I could put up the fail page with cats - new server - officially isn't yet resolving to any name.pjrc.com which is why you have to edit hosts file to access
Yes - I saw it was MAIN when I put in IP as URL.
Sad the old server gone :( - but abort to new forum seems good so far.
Everything feels much faster. Hard to tell if it's the faster server hardware or if XenForo is a lot more optimized than vBulletin 4.

Both servers are supposedly Intel Xeon E3-1230, but the new one is "v6" and I can't directly check the old server because it's dead, but info I have says it was "v2".
something that's supposed to be working (took most of this afternoon) is redirects so links pointing to the old forum's URLs are supposed to automatically go to the correct place here
Trying a direct image:

Image looks good. I tried to increase the max image size setting during install. Hopefully when people post schematics as images we'll be able to read them better. (this new server has 480GB, so large files not the issue they were on the old server) Edit - but there's still a 2MB upload limit - it's deep in PHP settings so I didn't want to mess with that sort of thing while trying to get the forum back up quickly.

This new forum also lets you reply with quote by just highlighting the text to want to quote and them a little "quote / reply" popup appears. So many nice new little features!
Looks like things are probably working well enough to open this up to everyone? (we're right now just shy of 48 hours since the old server went down)