Bill Greiman
Well-known member
SdFat-beta now supports SDHC for the Teensy 3.5/3.6 on-board microSD.
Try the TeensySdioDemo example.
The bench, SdFormatter, and SdInfo examples can be run on Teensy 3.6 by defining the symbol USE_SDIO to be non-zero.
Many other examples will work if you use the SdFatSdio class in place of the Sdfat class and call begin() with no parameters.
Try the TeensySdioDemo example.
The bench, SdFormatter, and SdInfo examples can be run on Teensy 3.6 by defining the symbol USE_SDIO to be non-zero.
Many other examples will work if you use the SdFatSdio class in place of the Sdfat class and call begin() with no parameters.
// Replace SdFat with SdFatSdio.
// Sdfat sd;
SdFatSdio sd;
// Remove parameters from begin().
// if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SD_SCK_MHZ(50))) {
if (!sd.begin()) {