Senior Member+
this is the correct branch:I got my 3.97" NT35510 display in, 8/16 bit parallel, 800*480 resolution at 16bpp.
Which branch of @mjs513 fork should I use? gfx_flexio ?
Do I need @KurtE new FlexIO library?
And does DMA work on 16 bit bus? or is only 8 bit supported?
GitHub - mjs513/ILI948x_t4x_p at ILI948x_t4x_p
A basic display driver for ILI948X series on a Teensy Micromod - GitHub - mjs513/ILI948x_t4x_p at ILI948x_t4x_p
plus you will need the GFX lib:
GitHub - mjs513/Teensy_Parallel_GFX
Contribute to mjs513/Teensy_Parallel_GFX development by creating an account on GitHub.
and will need @KurtEs updated Flexio lib