void checkUSBDrives() {
// lets chec each of the drives.
//bool drive_list_changed = false;
#if 0 <<<--------------------------------- Changeed to 1 and it works ------------------------------------------------
for (uint16_t drive_index = 0; drive_index < (sizeof(drive_list)/sizeof(drive_list[0])); drive_index++) {
USBDrive *pdrive = drive_list[drive_index];
if (*pdrive) {
if (!drive_previous_connected[drive_index] || !pdrive->filesystemsStarted()) {
Serial.printf("\n === Drive index %d found ===\n", drive_index);
Serial.printf("\nTry Partition list");
//drive_list_changed = true;
drive_previous_connected[drive_index] = true;
} else if (drive_previous_connected[drive_index]) {
Serial.printf("\n === Drive index %d removed ===\n", drive_index);
drive_previous_connected[drive_index] = false;
//drive_list_changed = true;
bool send_device_reset = false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < CNT_USBFS; i++) {
if (*filesystem_list[i]) {
// So file system is valid do we have a MTP id for it?
if ( (filesystem_list_store_ids[i] == 0xFFFFFFFFUL)) {
Serial.printf("Found new Volume:%u\n", i); Serial.flush();
// Lets see if we can get the volume label:
char volName[20];
if (filesystem_list[i]->mscfs.getVolumeLabel(volName, sizeof(volName)))
snprintf(filesystem_list_display_name[i], sizeof(filesystem_list_display_name[i]), "MSC%d-%s", i, volName);
snprintf(filesystem_list_display_name[i], sizeof(filesystem_list_display_name[i]), "MSC%d", i);
filesystem_list_store_ids[i] = MTP.addFilesystem(*filesystem_list[i], filesystem_list_display_name[i]);
// Try to send store added. if > 0 it went through = 0 stores have not been enumerated
if (MTP.send_StoreAddedEvent(filesystem_list_store_ids[i]) < 0) send_device_reset = true;
} else if (filesystem_list[i]->changed()) {
// Something with this file system changed.
Serial.printf("File system changed volume: index=%d, store id:%x\n", i, filesystem_list_store_ids[i]);
Serial.println("Show Partition list");
// Or did volume go away?
else if ((filesystem_list_store_ids[i] != 0xFFFFFFFFUL) && !*filesystem_list[i] ) {
Serial.printf("Remove volume: index=%d, store id:%x\n", i, filesystem_list_store_ids[i]);
if (MTP.send_StoreRemovedEvent(filesystem_list_store_ids[i]) < 0) send_device_reset = true;
// Try to send store added. if > 0 it went through = 0 stores have not been enumerated
filesystem_list_store_ids[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
if (send_device_reset) MTP.send_DeviceResetEvent();