Well-known member
no such luck on delay with the libraries from the git instructions, thd usb1_mtp.c implementation must be the key there.
found a second "void MTPD::loop(void)", seems there is two in MTP.cpp, of which the second function is being used.
super, would you mind sharing how you managed it?
I am mostly interested in SDIO.
super, I see you have pushed to git, ill give it a try for 4.1
my next problem is all my MTP stuff uses SdFatSdioEX which evidentally is now deeeaaad!
As an aside, you could remove the instructions for adding to the hardware cores for t3.5/6 and 4 as the teensyduinoinstaller beta is working with this.
@XFer, the issue is more to do with SdFat beta dropping support for SdFatSdioEX and less to do with the t3.6
my mistake, you have a point there!
Could you implement MTP_DISK_SERIAL into the new core definitions?
It would be fantastic if it could be pulled into cores.
I assume Paul wanted to work some time on usb_mtp (my usb1_mtp) before it goes to core.