Active member
Hi Pals
I use the T4.1 Audio Shield Rev D with ILI9341 TFT Display and was following (mostly) the steps in the Tutorials by Alysia and Paul.
Unfortunately I do anything wrong because the STOP Function won't work by pressing Button1. Actually I won't stop the File, I want to pause/play
the Audio. I was looking for Posts which contains this issue but didn't found any with THIS issue.
The Buttons 0 and 2 works perfectly as they should. Also Knob A2 for Volume Ramping.
As long I keep btn1 pushed, it will do the fallingEdge variable (and plays the prev or next file, even I release the btn) . If I don't push the btn1, the Player starts repeatly in loop.
Please forgive me Paul for this critical question, but why you havn't written a simple [stop] / [play] / [pause] variable in the .h File? playSdWav1.stop is declared by "stop(); Stop playing. If not playing, this function has no effect.". But how to make it work within the void loop?
Further there is a small problem on the TFT, I don't know how to code the screen update (destroy) to show the next filename on the Top of the Meters.
Dear Friends, I would be apprechiated for any help - I know I have a long way to go until I become the right understanding

I use the T4.1 Audio Shield Rev D with ILI9341 TFT Display and was following (mostly) the steps in the Tutorials by Alysia and Paul.
Unfortunately I do anything wrong because the STOP Function won't work by pressing Button1. Actually I won't stop the File, I want to pause/play
the Audio. I was looking for Posts which contains this issue but didn't found any with THIS issue.
// read pushbuttons
if (button0.fallingEdge()) {
while (button1.update())
if (button2.fallingEdge()) {
filenumber = filenumber - 2;
if (filenumber < 0) filenumber = filenumber + 4;
The Buttons 0 and 2 works perfectly as they should. Also Knob A2 for Volume Ramping.
As long I keep btn1 pushed, it will do the fallingEdge variable (and plays the prev or next file, even I release the btn) . If I don't push the btn1, the Player starts repeatly in loop.
Please forgive me Paul for this critical question, but why you havn't written a simple [stop] / [play] / [pause] variable in the .h File? playSdWav1.stop is declared by "stop(); Stop playing. If not playing, this function has no effect.". But how to make it work within the void loop?
Further there is a small problem on the TFT, I don't know how to code the screen update (destroy) to show the next filename on the Top of the Meters.
Dear Friends, I would be apprechiated for any help - I know I have a long way to go until I become the right understanding